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    Little Update

    Spring is well underway in Devon, in fact, there are some days that feel positively summery. Each day I notice something new in the garden. I LOVE this time of year. The change…

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    A Newsy Week

    See that field on the other side of our garden fence? It’s become a nursery. Yip, lambing season has officially begun, a sure sign that spring is not far away. Each morning the…

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    Goodbye August

    It’s hard to believe that today is the last day of the month! August has been lovely, we’ve had some lovely weather, lovely friends visiting us from afar and lovely seasonal observances to…

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    England in Miniature

    Growing up, one of my best-loved places to visit whilst on holiday ‘by the sea’ was a place called Mini Town. It captured my imagination, I absolutely loved seeing everything in miniature.  When…

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    Hello August!

    Another month has arrived, I can’t quite believe that we are in August already! Look at what is happening in my neck of the woods… …soon it will be blackberrying time! It is…

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    …change is not always the best thing. Don’t get me wrong, I’m all for change, I love new experiences, I have loved the varied and exciting places we have lived and travelled to…

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    Why…Hello September!

    Yippee! September is here! I am definitely an autumn/winter lover and September marks the start of these wonderful two seasons. My eldest daughter gets equally excited at the change of seasons this time of the year.…