
New Home :)

Well here we are – safely moved into our new home in Devon. The move has gone well, we were out of every box after two days. The only thing left is to hang pictures. The one thing that has NOT gone according to plan is our internet connection. Do you know how much we as a modern society use the Internet? ALLOT I tell you. So much of the information I need and use at my fingertips is attained by using the Internet. 

If I need directions on how to get somewhere – Internet. If I need to find out about things and places around my local area – Internet. If I’m having a problem with my broadband, my provider tells me to log onto their website – err, flawed thinking there batman!! If I have a problem with my broadband then OBVIOUSLY I wont be able to access your website!! Grrrrr.

Anyhoo – today I have popped into my husbands hotel to hook up to his wifi and do a little catch up post. We have an Open Reach Engineer coming out tomorrow morning so hopefully {fingers crossed} we will be all hooked up tomorrow afternoon.

So a few snaps of our garden…

This is taken from our top patio off the dining room and the kitchen. Both these rooms have glass sliding doors or glass double doors so the sun just streams into this side of the house all day. 

Off to the right we have the shed and the summer house. More detailed pictures to come of the summer house and little pond in front of it, these are just some quick snaps I took this morning to give you a feel for our new place.

This little path leads down to the summer house, pond and bottom entertainment area. The garden is really well structured, all it’s going to take from me is maintenance and adding my own pretty spring bulbs and summer annuals – and of course plant up the veggie patch each spring.

Two things that I left behind in my last garden that made me sad where my apple trees and my Hydrangea bushes. But guess what…

A beautiful BIG Hydrangea – one of 3 in the garden and…

an apple tree! 🙂

Two such simple things that make me happy. Another thing is that from the top floor of the house we have the most incredible views across the village and onto the rolling farmland beyond. In fact I can see the fields from the back garden two. This morning I noted that there was a flock of sheep and a few cows in the fields. The trees that surround our house are deciduous so firstly, that makes me happy because it means that autumn is going to bring a riot of colour right on my doorstep and secondly I will have uninterrupted views over the countryside during the winter months.

Moving onto our first visit to town – which is adorable, picturesque and very English BTW. Pictures to follow, but there is an amazing river that winds it way through the town…

As you walk around you find yourself crossing it and re-crossing it on lovely stone bridges.

I’m really looking forward to exploring everything over time and showing you all this beautiful little part of Devon.

On the schooling front…

We are back to lessons next week Tuesday so this week I have been doing a bit of prep. This particular planning session was a bit of seasonal planning for September. I’ll post my plans over the weekend for you to have a look at if you’re interested. I still have a few areas to cover and one or two more things to get the school room set up – which again, I will share with you in September sometime.

I will love and leave you for today, we are just going to grab a quick light lunch and then we are off to see the Enid Blyton ‘Magic, Mystery and Midnight Feasts’ exhibition at the Plymouth City museum 🙂

See you back here very soon…


  • Unknown

    What a wonderful garden, I hope you'll all be very happy in your new house. Devon is such a lovely part of the world 🙂 The river looks gorgeous

  • Bevy @ Treasured Up and Pondered

    Wow – how wonderful!!! Welcome to your new home!! 🙂 and such beauty you describe. I love answered prayers even if its over hydrangea and apple trees… God cares!!

    Enjoy your day and the rest of your adjustments that are needed as they come!!

  • Penny

    Congratulations! It's so very beautiful, and I am so very happy for you all. I hope your dh loves his job.

    Can you imagine how much I want to be your neighbor? lol a LOT.

  • mamasmercantile

    So glad the move went well and you are all settled into your new home. It all sounds idyllic and such a beautiful garden with hydrangea and an apple tree fulfilling your wishes. Have a great bank holiday weekend.

  • bungleroo

    Your new garden and town look absolutely lovely! Many blessings and thank you for your beautiful photos.

  • Carina

    Oh Shirley, your new home and garden is simply lovely! When you first wrote of moving, I didn't know how you would be able to leave such a wonderful place, but God is so good and has given you a new place that is as full of beauty as the one you left behind! Looking forward to hearing (and seeing!) more of Devon! 🙂

  • Ellen, the Bluestocking Belle

    Absolutely lovely! So glad to hear you are settled in. I have a friend who lives with her family in that part of the country — Exeter. I've had the pleasure of visiting the area twice, and I would love to go back again!

  • Amanda

    Congrats on finding such a treasure! I was so busy with my own move I didn't even realize you were moving too. That garden really is tremendous. I'm looking forward to seeing more photos!

  • Unknown

    Welcome to your new home in beautiful Devon. You are so lucky to be living in such a lovely County. We have just returned from holiday in Devon and I cannot wait to go back again. xx

  • Amy at love made my home

    So good to hear that you are all moved in and safe and sound and happy in your new home! It sounds as though it has all gone very well and is wonderful – apart from the internet! Hope that is dealt with soon and that you enjoy your new life a lot! xx

  • Sandra Ann

    So pleased that the move went well, I'd been wondering how you were all doing 🙂

    Hope the internet is sorted soon as I'm looking forward to a peek at the summer house and a house tour of the main place, please 🙂

    God Bless

    San x

  • Ivy, Phyllis and Me!

    Good Afternoon Shriley, I am so pleased to hear that you and your family arrived safe and sound and are settled into your new home in Devon. Devon is such a beautiful county and it looks like you have found yourself a beautiful spot. Your garden is delightful and what a treat to discover you had three hydrangea bushes plus an apple tree in your new garden.
    Have a wonderful time settling into your new surroundings.
    Best Wishes

  • Monica

    Oooh how beautiful! I'm very excited for YOU!!
    Enjoy the new beginnings!
    The apple tree and the hydrangeas are so beautiful… oh yes, you (we) are loved! 🙂

  • Monica

    Oooh how beautiful! I'm very excited for YOU!!
    Enjoy the new beginnings!
    The apple tree and the hydrangeas are so beautiful… oh yes, you (we) are loved! 🙂