
From The Schoolroom…

I mentioned in an article I wrote for this months OHC newsletter, that I wanted to encourage my girls to take more ownership of the nature table and nature board. Well, today I shared my desire with my daughters – and they responded better than I had hoped!  The girls immediately got to work creating this gorgeous autumnal display, and Miss V-L made a lovely paper sunflower and blackberry for our nature board {seen above}

They also included an autumn book basket which we will add to as we move through the season…

Miss J-L has also been expressing a desire of late to learn how to sew. Last week Friday her sister had a friend over, so it was the perfect time for the two of us to sit down together and get sewing. She knew exactly what it was she wanted to do – make an apron. She even knew what she wanted it to look like, so she drew a sketch and then I helped her draw up a pattern. It was a long, lovely afternoon of cutting, pressing and sewing. The delight on my little girls face and the sense of accomplishment she felt after completing her apron – I can’t tell you how lovely it was for me to see! Here she is, modelling her lovely apron…

Granny’s – you can be very proud of your granddaughter! She did all the sewing herself!

Have a blessed week-end everyone, I will see you back here very soon!


  • DeliveringGrace

    Great apron.

    I need to set up a nature table. One of my children always brings back little finds from outside and they really need to be displayed properly with proper reference books nearby. Thank you for showing the pictures of your nature table.

  • Bevy @ Treasured Up and Pondered

    That is really cute… all of it. The table, the board, the apron (love the ice cream treats).

    Enjoy your weekend!

    I'm glad that that book arrived safely for you. I hope you are blessed by it.

  • Annie Kate

    I love your nature table. When we lived in the Netherlands we had one, but they do not seem to be common in Canada, and we completely forgot about them.

    • Shirley-Ann

      Annie Kate we are always finding things on our walks. Just the other day I was walking through the university campus and noticed a huge horse Chestnut tree. It was covered in small but growing conkers, one had fallen to the ground so I picked it up to take home in the hopes of painting it in my nature journal. I guess our years of nature study has created a life-long habit of collecting natures treasures as we go along our daily lives 🙂