
Changing Leaves and Schoolroom Peeks.

I love catching glimpses of other school rooms – don’t you? I thought that I would give you a peek into our own school room. But before I do – I just had to show you this

Look closely. Can you see it? The leaves on the trees that line our street are turning – ALREADY! If I wasn’t feeling summer slip away before – I sure am now!

This week we have are back to lessons. It is a gentle week, slowly adjusting to our learning rhythm  Next week it will be full steam ahead – in a nice way of course. Lessons at home, for the most part, are a sweet part of our living and learning.

Most of our book-work is done here…

in our dining-room – which is our school room ;o)  The walls are adorned with all sorts of things, and more is to come when we add our Picture Study, art lessons etc.

Over in the corner is our new nature table. The table itself is not new – it was kindly given to us by a friend. It is JUST what was needed! A lovely big space to display our finds, our field-guides and our seasonal book-basket.

Our nature board sits above the table, on the shelf below are our field-guides, a copy of The Handbook of Nature Study, drawing ‘how-to’ books, Janet Marshes Nature Journal and our Country Diary of an Edwardian Lady.

Looking from the other end of the school room you can see a blackboard, an educational poster on measurements etc, a map of Europe and a map of England that Miss J-L adds to as she works her way through her Social Studies PACE.

This cabinet plays home to various books, art supplies, nature collections, teacher/mom stuff, various educational games and aids etc…

The girls work-boxes which holds their PACES and Score Keys, pencil bags and literature readers. This is a great way to keep all their work contained. At the end of a school day once they have packed up, we just stow these boxes in the cabinet – and Voila! We have a dining-room again ;o)

Art supplies – which needs restocking! We are off to stock up on Saturday – the girls and I LUUURRRVVV stationary and art supplies so we are looking forward to this particular shopping spree LOL!

Above the nature board and table is our weekly lesson planner {currently filled in as a sample for this post} – which needs to be re-worked before next week.

Charlotte Mason had a thing or two to say about the place of a time-table in the school room. I was going to expand a bit on it here – but decided that it deserved a post of it’s own. So I hope you will pop back later this week for that :o)

Our conservatory is usually the spot where we start our school day, Bible and all reading aloud happens there. A basket stands in the corner of the room which holds these books. Doesn’t a basket full of books sound lovely? ;o) I think so. Right next to that basket is my knitting – this I pick up when the girls are busy with their PACE work. Perhaps the book-basket needs to have a post on it’s own too?

For today I will love and leave you – this post was only meant to be a short little peek into our schoolroom, not a digression into time-tables and book baskets *smile*.

Have a lovely Tuesday all…

Blessings in Christ


One Comment

  • karen

    you have such a cheerful place to grow and learn! I love the corners of the room and the view is fantastic 🙂