
Beeswax Bliss

One of my Pinterest inspirations for autumn crafting was to preserve the beautiful colors of autumn by dipping them in beeswax – as seen here from Patch O’ Dirt blog.

It’s been sitting on my Pinterest board since summer 2011! So as I mentioned before – enough with the procrastination! I’m a girl of action these days – LOL

Yesterday my beeswax arrived, so there was no time to waste as far as I was concerned. Off we went, gathering the colors of autumn.

Next we melted the beeswax in a double boiler (simple glass bowl over a pot for me) – which went surprisingly far, I have another whole packet to do with as I wish! Miss JL spent most of the time with her head over pot, inhaling the gorgeous aroma :o)

Then for the fun part – dipping our leaves. Not only did we dip an array of leaves, but we had picked some rose hips and berries. I’m not sure how this will turn out in the long run – but they sure look pretty for the moment. We also waxed some of our oak leaves and acorns from our OHC Oak Tree study (more on that in another post). 

Now, what to do with all those beautiful, delicious smelling leaves? I knew that I wanted to use some of them in our autumn nature display – which I will post about later on in the week, but we had so many leaves (its a little addictive, this leaf dipping thing!) that we needed something that would utilise all our efforts to the fullest. After a bit of discussion, we settled on making a little autumn leaf bunting sort of thing. We simply made little leaf bunches, then strung them all together to make a lovely little leaf hanging to grace the front of the fireplace…

Have a lovely day everyone and I hope to see you here again very soon ;o)