
A River Walk

In our homeschool, Friday has been termed as ‘Fun Friday’, mainly because it’s the day that we focus on our Charlotte Mason and practical subjects. The girls still do their formal maths and English lessons, but Fridays are also our Nature Study days.

Now with all things being ‘new’ to us, our first port of call in kicking off our years nature studies was to find a lovely, unspoiled and safe place to walk and explore and I am happy to say that we found one.

The River Erme runs through our small town and this was our starting point. We followed the river and soon entered the woodland. Hints of autumn were everywhere, I can’t wait to walk through here later on in the month and into October – there are loads of deciduous trees about. 

The river is just magnificent! We found lots and lots of swimming holes which we have earmarked for summer.

As we trundled along the pathway, we cam across the most magnificent towering, cathedral-like arched stone bridge.

 I’m assuming that this is what gives the trains safe passage into Plymouth. It’s imposing, seeming so out of sorts in it’s natural surrounds, yet really impressive in it’s architecture.

As our nature walk was simply one of exploration and enjoyment today, we made gentle observations of things along out path and left a little autumn leaf clock for other walkers to enjoy.

We picked our way down to the rivers edge and noticed some really beautiful sedimentary rock patterns…

We are looking forward to exploring this river and woodland throughout all four seasons and watching the changes 🙂

Wishing you all a very blessed weekend.


  • karen

    what a beautiful place to be able to walk about! I love the darkness of the woods and of course the mushrooms 🙂

  • Down by the sea

    Hi Shirley, Sorry i haven't pooped by for a while! I'm glad your move went well and you are starting to settle into your new surroundings. Autumn will be wonderful time to start exploring. Your river walk looks wonderful we are more familiar with this river as it reaches the sea. Sarah x