
A Little of This :: A Little of That

Today has been a day of pottering about the home for me. We are back at lessons next week so I am tweaking certain things and finishing off others. Here’s what I’ve been up to today…

Finishing off my little Tilda Mouse – although a nose still needs to be attached.

My new seed catalogue just arrived today, I am looking forward to looking through it over the week-end and planning my summer vegetable garden.

The Christmas decorations are just about all packed away now. I know that the tree traditionally is taken down on twelfth night, but honestly, those pine needles were getting hazardous! For those that have real trees – how do you do it??? As you can see below, I already have spring in my heart even though we still have a good few months of winter to wade through. My little spring garland is back in place and on the hearth we have spring bulbs – some reaching the end of their blooming and others just beginning to peek their green shoots through the soil.

And in the schoolroom… 

I have tidied up the rather scruffy nature table so we have a fresh start for the new term. Above you can see a wonderful British Wildlife Year poster we got free through the Open University. If you are a UK resident you can get yours HERE. It is absolutely bee-u-tifull!

Our little winter nature candle is burning bright – chasing away these dark days, a copy of Winter Story as ever, a little bowl to fill with some nature walk finds, a pot with a spring Hyacinth – we will watch it spring to life over the next few weeks. I also have our copy of Edith Holden’s ‘Country Diary of an Edwardian Lady’ open on ‘January’. In the foreground you can see Barb’s January Study Grid – placed in a plastic sleeve for protection. We keep forgetting to do this part of our OHC so I am hoping with it being so visible we will use it more.

This weekend is earmarked for last minute lesson planning and just getting myself organised for the new term.

It feels good to be starting a brand new year – somehow it gives me a bit of a boost 🙂

Happy Week-ending everyone…


  • Stewart

    Shirley, your blog is always so upbeat, you are a tonic to us all. Keep it up 🙂
    Love the Nature Table…Snowdrops will be in flower soon ….

  • Anonymous

    We always try to get a fir tree instead of a spruce. They drop almost no needles. We usually cut it down around the 17th and keep it up until Epiphany. The biggest mess comes when Colin drags it out of the house, but that's more from the dragging than the tree 🙂


  • Sue

    Your Tilda Mouse is so cute, even without a nose. : ) And, your nature table is lovely! I'm sure it inspires much learning. I am looking forward to starting a new term with my children on Monday, too. May God bless our efforts! ♥