
The Joy of Living in Far Lands…

We are a Charlotte Mason based homeschool. I have chosen resources which best aid me in our journey in gaining a living education. However, this post is not about our homeschooling methods, but about our study of history.

The children should have the joy of living in far lands, in other persons, in other times–a delightful double existence; and this joy they will find, for the most part, in their story books.

(Vol. 1 Part IV–Some Habits Of Mind – Some Moral Habits, p.153

This year, we have decided to use Sonlight’s World History Year 1 as our core. Browsing through the books, I am excited by all that we are going to be digging into. I’m even more excited to be living in a country who’s roots my be considered ‘ancient’, and being such a strong and cosmopolitan country I am even more thrilled to have access to some of the worlds best museums! I feel privileged to be able to lead my children to such places that truly make their learning living! For them to be able to observe for themselves other people, from other lands, in other times. For a brief moment, their paths cross and I hope that the meeting is deep and memorable.

I had planned in my head to do a couple of weeks of the Sonlight Core and then make a trip to London to visit The British Museum as they have quite impressive collection from the ancient world. It seems that instead of doing things that way, our studies were to be launched by a visit – all down to presented opportunities and so forth. With another warm day promised, we set off for this impressive museum…

I have to say that the building itself is just breathtaking!

It is vast, and light, and a wonderfully inspiring place to be. With it being such a warm day, I have to say that the magnificent glass roof did not make it the coolest place to be! Still, as we walked around the central reading room, the heat was forgotten as we gazed upon this magnificent totum pole and this Easter Island statue.

With limited time before having to catch our train back up to the Midlands, we targeted a few areas that were a must. Ancient Egypt, Ancient Mesopotamia, Ancient Greece and Ancient Rome – with a quick run through Medieval Europe.

 By far, the Ancient Egypt display touched and captivated my children more than any of the other displays. As we walked through the displays of mummies, coffins, paintings and so much more, I watched Miss Masons ‘Science of Relations’ principal unfold before my eyes.

I left them to it, walking slowly on, not lecturing or prodding. They each had an interactive media tool which they could tap into at will to learn more about a certain object if they wished. I found the girls coming up to me and telling me all about a display that interested them. I have refrained from posting pictures of uncovered mummies so as not offend sensitive viewers – but my girls found them fascinating!

As the heat began to sap our energy and work on fraying nerves, we quickly rushed through the other displays. At the time I remember feeling quite grumpy about having to do so, thinking to myself how much we were NOT appreciating. But now, as I record our trip, I realise that my children formed a relation today, they took a peek into another world and were engaged. I am reminded now by Miss Mason…

In this way: give your a child a single valuable idea, and you have done more for his education than if you had laid upon his mind the burden of bushels of information.

(Vol 1, Part V Lessons As Instruments Of Education, p.174)

Yes, I do not need to stress that we did not see it all, enjoy it all, or even engage with it all. The single valuable idea was enough. After all, the museum will still be there when we choose to go back and perhaps ‘meet’ with another person, from another civilization at another time.


  • Lanaya

    Those are such neat pictures, thank you for sharing. It encourages me to seek out a museum for us to go to. I must say museums do not excite me, but you're right, our kids can connect with the past when they see such ancient objects.

  • Jenny

    Visiting form CM blog carnival. We're going to start ancients again this fall. Your experience looks wonderful. I just started Part V of Vol. 1 and this is one of the phrases I zoned in on : )

    BTW, maybe because your blog is new your having trouble leaving a message. I discovered that if when you select profile to post a comment and choose google it takes you to your sign in page…try to not stay signed in (unmark that box), then sign in…this has worked for me, I'm finally able to leave messages on blogs I couldn't before.

  • Sally

    What a lovely place you have here! I arrived by way of the CM carnival. I look forward to reading more!

  • Barb

    My daughter was able to visit this museum when she was living in Ireland. She has such wonderful things to say about the things she was able to view that she had only read about and now were before her eyes. Museums like this are such a great way to make connections and I dream of someday visiting both the Metropolitan Museum of Art in NYC and the British Museum in London…..both a world away from Northern California. 🙂

    Loved seeing your photos!

  • Shirley-Ann

    Thank you for all the comments. Thanks to Jenny from Grace n' chaos I have been able to visit each one of your lovely blogs and post a comment! Thanks Jenny!
    Shirley Ann

  • Sarah Familia

    Great pics! I want to visit the British Museum sometime. We live in the Middle East, and at nearly every archaeological dig we visit, something awesome was dragged off to the British Museum or the Louvre in the 19th century. What a treasure trove.