

One of the things that I have been convicted of this week is to spend some time with my children without and agenda. As a home educating mom, it is easy to slip into teacher mode and stay there. I have really felt that I need to make an effort to untangle myself from this ‘homeschool vortex’ and to spend fun time with the girls. so today I had a ‘sometimes’ day with them. A ‘sometimes’ day -by my definition- is a day when you throw all that parenty caution to the wind, cancel whatever plans you had and give in to the pleas of your children. We had such a lovely day, I think that I am going to have allot more ‘sometimes’ days in the future…

Sometimes you need to leave the housework, schedules, and ‘to do’s’ behind and say ‘yes’ to pleas for a spur-of-the-moment picnic….

Sometimes you need to let the children race on ahead without you. Let them feel the wind rush by them as the pedal faster and faster along the country lanes…

Sometimes I need enjoy watching them from afar…

Sometimes I need to enjoy the world around me without turning it into a lesson…

 Sometimes, walking alone in solitude is a good thing! I spent the entire mile walk to our picnic destination enjoying nature all to myself –  and the entire walk back talking with God, interceding for my children. Truly this was time well spent.

Sometimes you need to stop and pause for a while, enjoying the simple wonders of Gods creation…

Sometimes it is okay to conveniently forget the sweet treats that were consumed earlier and say ‘yes’ to an ice-cream – just because you can and to see that pleasure cross their faces at your unexpected reply…

*sigh* More days like these I think. No agenda’s, just enjoying these beautiful people that God blessed me with.


  • suzanne

    Hello dear friend

    So wonderful seeing your country lane bike ride. Isnt it wonderful to feel so free for a moment~…I have found my father and he has promised a copy of his passport so that I can go ahead with my mission. So happy about that. Our snow was wonderfully exciting! the down side being Olivia has flu as a result of the bitter cold. She was soaked and frozen when she eventually came indoors. Our clothing is not geared for snow ..

    Stay well Shirley
    Lots of love