
OHC – November Grid Study

We are slowly beginning to get to grips with the monthly grid study thanks so some lovely practical example in the OHC Carnivals. I was really interested to read how different families tackled this particular part of the Newsletter.

For us it simple means being aware every day of our surroundings. With the grid printed out and within view, we are able to take opportunities as they arise. This month as been packed with plenty of daily occurrences that  fit in rather nicely with the grid. We have spotted, observed and named three neighbourhood mammals right in our garden. The Red Fox, Hedgehog, Field-mouse and Miss J spotted a little mole.

 We read a book on the Red Fox which was a delight and of course read Jill Barklem’s ‘Autumn Story’ which focuses on the sweet field mice of the hedgerow. Although we have read this little book time and time again over the years, we never tire of the story or the beautiful illustrations.

To tie in with our Squirrel study, we read a little from Thornton Burgess’ book, ‘The Burgess Book of Animals for Children‘ off The Baldwin Project. Even though my children are 12 and 14, they still love this little tales, and I have to confess so do I!

Over one week-end, we were busy digging a new bed for our spring bulbs when we came across a lovely vein of the most beautiful clay! Immediately we set to putting some aside so that we could clean it and make a clay mammal or two – as per the November Grid – for our nature shelf.

Later on in the week on one rainy afternoon we did just that. We cleaned off the dirt and kneaded and worked the clay until it was a little drier (it had been sitting in water outside) and pliable. We decided to make little figurines of all the mammals that had graced our garden over the month of November.

From Left to Right: Squirrel, Fox, Mouse, Hedgehog and Squirrel again 

We are all quite taken with the results. The girls did a great job and our nature shelf looks all the better for the addition of these little creatures :o)

The grid has been a great way to keep us curious as to the daily happenings outside in the garden and in our neighbourhood. We have had a fun month with all these little activities and suggestions that have really not taken very long to incorporate into our daily rhythm.

Autumn Blessings all…