
A Little Loveliness :)

Hello Everyone 🙂

 I’ve been grounded! Isn’t that wonderful? Last week Friday my car got sick and is now in the workshop for a whole week. Initially I was not as thrilled as I sound right now lol – but there is always a silver lining to every cloud.

 I am pretty much forced to stay at home, slow down, and do all those lovely things that I have been longing to to. I have spent time pottering about and giving my conservatory a bit of a neaten up and redecorating – nothing too hectic, adding a small touch here and there.

I hung up some bunting I had made a while ago. This hanging job required a bit of drilling by DH, he was happy to accommodate my nesting urges 🙂

I purchased a little willow woven heart hanging from The Range for something ridiculous like £3.00 – doable decor!

In the rocking chair corner there have been some touches added too, this pretty wire framed heart has been hung up. I plan on printing off family pics and popping them into the little holders.

My daughter made this cute little posy of button flowers so they have found a place in the conservatory too…

And a lovely basket of plants, a gift from a friend last year – which has survived that long! – is now out of the laundry room and into this lovely sunny room.

Along with a cute little plate of candles given to me by my dd…

I have also been able to spend quality time on developing an autumn range for my Etsy shop. I’ve had two days of sewing together some beautiful autumn bunting – oh it’s so pretty! It’s hard not to want to keep it all and hang it up all over the house 🙂 – I’ll be posting on all that tomorrow :o)

I finally made my dd the string of bunting that she has wanted for so long for her bedroom. It really does look so pretty strung along the side of her daybed.

So – lots of loveliness going on here at Moor View Cottage :o)

Speaking of loveliness… I have discovered the most beautiful magazine..

It’s called Daphne’s Diary.

It’s a diary in the form of a magazine. It is packed full of recipes, travel, vintage things, interiors, little diary entries on Daphne’s family life…

Oh and freebies! There are the sweetest freebies. This month is was a free vintage look travel diary, some pretty tags and this cute little air balloon mobile to make – the quality of the push-outs is lovely. I’m picturing this hanging in my newly overhauled romantic conservatory 😉

The magazine certainly has a very Continental feel to it – which I love. The travel articles made me want to jump onto a aeroplane and go and see them all for myself! I love the way it has been set up in the magazine, take a look below….

This is exactly  how I would set up travel journal pages in my own journal 🙂

Anyhoo, I’m going to echo Daphne’s sentiments from the picture above and wish you all a lovely day, and I’ll see you back here very soon :o)


  • imperfectly natural mama

    Oooh that magazine looks lovely, as does your conservatory. I have the same wire heart photo thingy

  • Bevy @ Treasured Up and Pondered

    Oohh, how fun!! All of it. Love this diary.. and the button flowers. I love all sorts of buttons!

    Nice reading here today!

  • Lisa

    How pretty! What a lovely view you have and such a peaceful place from which to take it all in. 🙂

  • JES

    Looks like you have been having fun! Your sun-room looks so cozy and inviting, I love the bunting 🙂 I also love the look of that magazine… Thank you for sharing on the Art of Home-Making Mondays last week. Please join in again this week 🙂