
London Calling…

The summer is just about done. Free carefree days are drawing to an end and we stand on the brink of a brand new school year – this time with only one student in our homeschool.

But before I plunge into this post, I want to pause and remember how blessed we are.

10 years of lovely learning family memories – I wouldn’t change them for all the money in the world. We have successfully homeschooled and graduated our first-born. She’s passed all her exams and begins college next week. I cannot be prouder of her.

There has been many a time when I have worried that I wasn’t ‘doing enough’, that my children would not be accepted into any tertiary education. But I have to say that graduating your first child, seeing how painless it was to secure a place on a course of my daughters choice at college has really been an eye-opener for me. I have not ‘ruined’ my children’s futures. Of course I always knew that as people they have had a huge advantage over schooled peers in being able to develop into the lovely people they are without the negative peer pressure influences. But you always worry about the academics.

Well now I know that there really is nothing to worry about as long as you are faithful to do your very best, giving your children every opportunity you can, you should be fine 🙂

Anyhoo – moving on from my sentimental moment LOL, DH and I went to London for the weekend. The girls were off on a Christian camp and we had time to ourselves, so we treated ourselves to a weekend away.

We had such a lovely time. We visited The Tate Modern – which is great if you love modern art which I don’t. I just find it all a bit weird and have very little appreciation for modern art. Although I did get to see a Picasso and and Andy Warhol piece and I enjoyed that.

We visited The British Museum – FAB day out. So much to see- but absolutely heaving by lunch time!

Then a walk through the west end visiting all our old haunts – in our younger days we worked in Covent Garden – and it was lovely to walk slowly together and reminisce.

I think one of my favourite bits had to be walking through St. James’ Park, seeing Horse Guards Parade at one end…

 and Buckingham Palace at the other.

London is such a lovely city to visit – so full of history. We hadn’t been in two years so this trip was our ‘fix’ for a while LOL.

Hey! Did you notice the leaves in some of my pics? I can’t believe that autumn is making her presence known already, if only in the fading leaf colour – not temperature wise – it’s still fairly warm here. 🙂

Anyhoo – I’m going to wrap up this post now and I will see you back here very soon.


  • mamasmercantile

    Wishing your daughter well and every success as she enters the next phase of her life going to college. Looks like you had a lovely trip away, I haven't been to London for a while now that my daughters have all moved out of London since starting their families.

  • Kay G.

    What a lovely post! Full of love for your daughter! And London! My husband and I will be visiting in a few weeks and I can't wait to see it again!
    Good luck to your daughter, sounds like she has a good head on her shoulders.

    • Shirley-Ann

      Thank you Kay 😀 – I hope you have a simply wonderful visit in London. I'm a little envious as the autumn colour will be fabulous in the parks around that time I'm sure! Take lots of photo's 🙂

    • Kay G.

      Thank you, Shirley! Wish us luck with the weather! And you can bet we will take lots of photos and they will be on my blog for sure!
      I love your header photo on your blog of the roses and the white flowers that are at the top, where you have your profile…are they "snow in summer"? I love that white flower!

  • karen

    I hope fall arrives over here swiftly. I hope you enjoy your homeschooling of one as your eldest embarks on her new adventure!