Create,  Hearts At Home

The Creative Home: Yarn Along

The second Shalom is finished! I was happy with number one but am happier with this one. I used a 6.5mm needle instead of the 7mm I used for the first one.

The sizing is just right. I did have to buy another ball of wool though so used 6 instead of 5 this time round. I love the colour too – for some reason I have nothing purple in my closet. I love the colour so much I think I am going to have to remedy that this Autumn ;o)

It still needs blocking but at least it is off the needles.

Reading and other knits:

Well I have just started ‘The Mystery Writer’ by Jessica Mann. I have not heard of this author before but this book caught my eye on a recent library trip. I’ll be able to tell you more next week.

As you can see from the picture I have also been having fun knitting up little acorns. These are for a little Autumn project I have in mind later on in the year. I thought that I would knit up various little components when I only have short periods of knitting time available ;o)

Joining Ginny for Yarn Along over at Small Things