Create,  Hearts At Home

The Creative Home: Yarn Along Spring Notebook

Joining Ginny for today’s Yarn Along

I’m so glad that another Yarn Along has come around. I really love to see what you are all busy on. It gives me a boost to join in and be a part of this wonderful knitty community.

This week saw the start of two projects. It seems that most of us knitty girls find it just impossible to only ever have one project on the go.

Last week I was patiently (not) waiting for the arrival of this beautiful sock yarn…

Don’t you just love those colours? Well this ball of yarn is destined to become an Oaklet Shawl for my sister. I love watching the colour changes as the fabric grows – so pretty.

Out shopping this week, I came across a great bargain. Pure wool for £1.99 a ball, and in just the weight I needed for the Decreasing Rib Capelet I spotted on Ravelry. I plan to make mine a little longer and perhaps try my hand at some crochet flowers to add a bit of flair to it. I was thinking a nice dusty pink might look nice.

Along with my ‘Dying in the Wool’ book that I’m still busy with, I am reading through (slowly) my Charlotte Mason Homeschool Series. I’ve been feeling the need to stimulate my brain and to dig a bit deeper into her works. We have been using CM’s method for years now but feel that I have hit a bit of a stalemate. Time to learn a bit more!

And that wraps up my Yarn Along post for this week. Now for a cup of coffee and visit to your blogs to see what you are up to this week.


  • suzanne

    Good morning Shirley Ann

    So lovely to see your comment this morning. I just love that sock yarn. Just to let you know that I have had a great week. I am feeling so much lighter and know your prayers have helped. Its like all fear has vanished completely. Andrew and I are meeting up with a company next week so we can ask some questions and hopefully ease our minds a bit. I hope you are well and excited about more warmth coming your way. We are having such hot weather. So strange for May…loving it though.

    Have a great day
    lots of love

    • Shirley-Ann

      Hi Suzanne,

      I am SO SO pleased to hear that you are feeling better. God is so good to have granted you peace. We are having floods and yucky weather our side – also strange? I don't know, haven't been here long enough ;o)

  • Tracey ~ Clover

    Your yarn is so pretty. Pure wool at a discount price is a wonderful thing to discover and the capelet you are knitting looks like a great pattern.

  • Ellen

    Oh I always like a good yarn bargain. Is that Noro for the Oaklet Shawl? Looks like it. My library system has the entire grouping of CM books – I really must get some of them out again and read. I'm leaning more towards that way for homeschooling now- wish I had done it from the beginning. I don't know all (we're more eclectic in our approach) What has caused your stalemate?

  • Donna

    Your yarn is gorgeous. I love that shawl pattern. I just downloaded it and will probably use some stash yarn that I have for it. Thanks for the inspiration!

  • Anonymous

    Lovely yarn – watching the colour changes just makes the knitting that much faster, doesn't it. Lucky sister!

  • Tonya Gunn

    How wonderful to be taking the time to read through Charlotte Mason's writings – something I hope to do someday as well.

  • A Faithful Journey

    I just finished an Oaklet Shawl for my aunt! I loved the pattern…so lovely! The yarn you have chosen is gorgeous!
    And what a steal you got with that wool!! Way to go! 🙂

  • Cheryl

    Its wonderful to knit with yarn that gently changes colour as you knit. Your shawl looks so cosy and pretty. I love it when I find a bargain like your pure wool. Its all that I can do to stop myself doing a little dance of joy!

  • W-S Wanderings

    That yarn is STUNNING, and how beautifully it knits up! I have not been very successful in my yarn purchases of late. I really must learn to read yarn better.