Create,  Hearts At Home

The Creative Home: Yarn Along Spring Notebook

This is my last ‘Spring Notebook’ entry! My next will go into my ‘Summer Notebook’.

How time flies – and how unlike summer it feels here in England! As I type it is grey and rainy outside and my central heating is on!!!!

I came downstairs this morning to find my yarn in this state…

I can pretty much bet my bottom dollar that this little one is entirely responsible…

Quite a bit of progress has been made on my Oaklet Shawl – I’m just itching to get going on the lacy bit, and a sure sign that my project is approaching its finish is my mind running over possibilities of my ‘next project’.

Nothing decided yet but I am quite inspired by seeing how pretty my last crochet blanket looks adorning my sofa (see top photograph)! I’m thinking that a nice Autumn inspired one might be on the cards. I know that we still have Summer to get through but by planning ahead my blanket should be ready in time for Autumn home decorating.

Reading right now? We are busy wrapping up this school year at the moment so I am spending quite a bit of time looking over resources and reading ‘The Wholehearted Child’ in preparation for the next academic year. I still feel all afloat here but I know that our schooling plans generally come together ‘all of a sudden’, so not too concerned yet ;o)


  • Conservative Knit Mom

    Oh my goodness-cats do love wool, don't they? I hope you were able to set your ball of wool to rights. The shawl is lovely and the colors are prefect for fall. Thank you for your wise words and for stopping by my blog– just what I needed to hear.

  • Sarah ~ Crafts from the Cwtch

    And THIS is just one of the reasons I am resisting the kids pleas for kittens 🙂 Hope the damage isn't irreparable!

  • little macaroon.

    Ooh, I found my cat pawing at my latest project yesterday. For the first time in her life, my little girl realised that Mummies can indeed get cross with animals!

  • Spinneretta

    Well at least the culprit is cute 🙂 I think you need a new way to store that knitting project! It is a lovely shawl, none the less!

  • Unknown

    argh to the yarn monster, I hope it wasn't too tangled for you! Look forward to seeing your finished shawl, mine isn't getting much love!