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The Creative Home: Yarn Along Spring Notebook

Well it certainly has been a loooooong time since I posted a Yarn Along post.

With all the Christmas knitting I’m afraid I must have suffered some sort of knitters burnout and just completely lost my mojo. I have learned that I tend to operate in ‘seasons’, so each year the knitting season goes on a little vacation before returning full of inspiration.

So this week saw me unearthing my bag of knitting and pulling out a UFO – I cannot start something else until I have finished this project – which happens to be the longest drawn out pair of socks ever! I completed one last year just before Christmas, and managed to get the second one started. I have made quite good progress over the past two evenings and am happy to have something to keep my hands busy whilst watching telly with the family.

I am currently reading a Miss Read book, ‘Winter in Thrush Green’. I have a love for reading small English country village stories. They make me happy ;o) Miss Read books are easy reading and I am able to wrap up a book in about a week. They make for lighthearted reading – the perfect finish to busy days!

Joining Ginny over at Small things for this weeks Yarn Along


  • Kim

    Yay for picking up the needles again. Love the yarn you are using, the socks are going to be lovely.

    Have a great day!

  • Tracey ~ Clover

    I am glad you found your mojo for knitting again. 🙂 I have found knitting to be a great stress reliever so I always keep a project close at hand.

  • Andee

    I really like the colors of the yarn you are using for your socks. I'm glad you picked your needles back up.

  • karen

    Im a bit the same with knitting and other crafts, sometimes you just need a break I suppose. The book looks like a nice one and sounds like something I would enjoy

  • Conservative Knit Mom

    Ah second sock syndrome– I know it well. Your book selection is very interesting. I hope that they have that book in the US– it looks quite good! I didn't know you have a preschool curriculum. I can not wait to pop over to other blog. I love reading about new ways to teach your tot!

  • Cheryl

    Funny how socks are often lurking at the bottom of most knitter's work in progress bags! I have a pair there that I pick up in between projects. I like the pattern your yarn is making.