Create,  Hearts At Home

The Creative Home: Yarn Along Prayer for Baby Emily

Joining Ginny for Yarn Along

It’s been a while since I joined with Ginny’s Yarn Along linkup. I just have not seemed to get to it of late :o) but that is not to say that I have not been wielding needle and yarn.

I have focused on much smaller projects of late – and loving how quickly they are on and then off the needles. 

My Brother and sister-in-law are expecting a little girl shortly. It is a pregnancy that is fraught with anxiety as they discovered (after the tragic loss of a dear little baby boy last year) that my sister-in-law is Rhesus negative. For those that don’t know the mothers negative blood type sees baby’s positive blood type as a parasite and tries to eliminate the threat after 30 weeks gestation. Unfortunately this has manifested itself even earlier than the expected 30 weeks and baby is already having to undergo in utero blood transfusions to keep her alive. The hope is to get to 30 or 32 weeks gestation and baby’s weigh up to 2kg’s and then deliver her, treating her immediately with further blood transfusions.

It’s all very stressful and heart-breaking – especially since we have learnt that all this could have been avoided with a course of special Anti-D injections had the doctors been on the ball!

So I am knitting for a little baby, who will undoubtedly be very very tiny when born. I think even these two little beanies will be too big for her.

Can I ask if you will keep Baby Emily in your prayers? Please pray for her safety and that she will be born alive and strong enough to fight. Please pray for my brother Brian and dear sister-in-law Louisa who are so very worried right now, and their son who is only 3 and probably feeling his mum and dad’s anxiety.

Reading: I am reading Caroline Grahams book ‘Murder and Madingley Hall’. Caroline Grahams books have been made into a popular T.V detective series called Midsomer Murders. I have watched this series for years – loving each episode. I love the beautiful English countryside that you get to glimpse throughout the program, but Midsomer is certainly the last place in England you want to live – too many people meet their sticky end LOL.

Happy Wednesday everyone :o)


  • Amanda

    I will certainly pray for baby Emily! What a sweet gift your beanies will be. She will look darling in them, big or not!

  • Anonymous

    I will be praying. I also have negative blood and thank the Lord, I have delivered 3 healthy babies. I understand what she is going through and I will keep her in my prayers.

    Great knitting job, also! 🙂

  • Lisa

    How terribly sad! Will definitely keep your loved ones in my prayers, Shirley! Knitting is so soothing to the mind during difficult times, especially when there's nothing you can really do other than knit and pray. xo, ~Lisa 🙂

  • karen

    I will add baby Emily to my daily morning prayers, I hope health and happiness follow your brother and his family

  • Unknown

    I am O with RH negative blood. I had the RhoGAM shots while pregnant with my first. Thankfully neither daughter got their Dad's RH positive factor. Prayers will be said for your family.

  • Heather

    I'll be sure to keep you in my thoughts, Shirley. I'm Heather and I was just wondering if you could answer a question about your blog when you get a free moment. My email is Lifesabanquet1(at)gmail(dot)com 🙂