Create,  Hearts At Home

The Creative Home: Yarn Along

Oh my goodness! Can it possibly be Wednesday already and time for Yarn Along? That sure came round quickly this week 🙂

I have two W.I.P’s on the needles. I have picked up my Best Friend scarf that I started last year. I was just looking at my Ravelry notes and see that I cast on for this project in July! Good grief, I didn’t think I had neglected it for that long 🙂 

I have made quite a bit of progress with it since picking it up again and am loving the feel of the Cascade 22 Superwash yarn. I’m trying to remember why I set it aside now – I think it could have been because there was just too much going on and I was struggling to concentrate on the lacy pattern. Since picking it up I have found the lacy pattern easy to follow, perhaps my head was just not in the right space last year.

My other W.I.P is that beautiful Fair Isle project I mentioned last week. Unfortunately I had to frog back to the cuff as my naughty cats got hold of it one evening and made a huge mess of all my hard work. Still, you can’t remain cross with them for too long, not when they come for a cuddle to make up 🙂

It feels like the Fair Isle work is going smoothly but now that I look at the stitches close up on my photograph I can see that not all the stitches are even. I don’t think these are going to be the ‘perfect’ Fair Isle mitts but it is my first go so hopefully I can only improve from hereon in.

Reading: I found this book while browsing the Kindle store. Amish Knitting Circle by Karen Anna Vogel. I’ve managed a couple of chapters since downloading it and am enjoying it so far. It’s a light read combining things that are close to my heart, friends, faith and knitting.

Joining Ginny and a wonderful community of knitters over at Small Things. Pop on over, read what others are up to and add your link if you are a knitter or crocheter.


  • sustainablemum

    I know what you mean about lace knitting it is not my favourite you really have to concentrate otherwise you end up making lots of mistakes. I love the colour of you yarn for your scarf the pattern looks lovely too, I bet it will be worth it when it is finished 🙂

  • Lisa

    Amish Knitting Circle sounds like my kind of story. Thanks for sharing!
    Your mitts will be lovely…uneven stitches and all. 🙂

  • Anonymous

    Your projects are so beautiful. I love anything with cables! My Fair Isle mittens (still not finished) have some uneven stitching, too. Maybe they will block evenly??? *fingers crossed* 🙂

  • Stacey

    I love the color on your scarf! The book sounds good, too. I can see cats and fair isle being a bad combination!

  • Lilly's Mom

    The best friend scarf looks heavenly. I love the color of the yarn. Reading about the Amish is a fascinating subject that always keeps me interested. Your fair isle work is very pretty too. Sorry about your cats – my Lilly sometimes wants to wrestle with my knitting, too 🙁

  • mamasmercantile

    Love the lacy pattern and the beautiful colour of the bestfriend scarf. I am afraid I haven't got back into crochet yet since my operation but I have lots of plans so maybe this is the week.

  • karen

    pretty knitting and I love light reading! I am reading scarlett letter on my kindle and it is not light at all 🙂

  • Jarka

    it s a lovely pattern for the scarf, and I think it goes really well with the yarn you're using 🙂 …and the mitten looks great! my fair-isle stitches are never even, but they tend to straighten up with use/washing of the knit item 🙂 good luck on finishing the projects!