
Yarn Along – 30 November

Joining Ginny over at Small things

Super quick post on this last day of November. I am surrounded by boxes – tomorrow we move house and today has a list as long as my arm that needs seeing to! Despite all the packing and organising, I have progressed well on my knitted gifts. Two of them are just about done. I am confident that by next week I will be ready for blocking and wrapping ;o)

First up,my Aestlight shawl that I am knitting for my eldest has about another 3 days worth of snatched knitting. The birds eye lace is done and I am busy on the final lace edging. It’s all a bit of a tangle of circular needles right now, so getting a great shot was just about impossible. But this little snippet shows the beginnings of the edging in progress…

The little cable knit that is destined to adorn my youngest is just about complete. Front and back are done and I am halfway through the first sleeve which I cast on yesterday afternoon. I love this knit. It is easy, quick and has just enough cable work to prevent it from becoming a boring knit. I just LOVE those cables! They are so pretty.

Happy knitting everyone…


  • Hoeks-in-UK

    Oh, that is pretty. I've run out of yarn, so my knitting has taken a back seat for now. Maybe (??) one day, I'll get to knitting a jersey too 🙂

  • Becks

    The jumper is lovely, the cable edgings are a great idea, just the right lift. The shawl is looking very pretty too, of course.

  • Anke

    Both of your knitted projects look lovely. I really like how the cables on the sweater give it that "little something special". Good luck moving!

  • Sandra Ann

    Beautiful knits and done in secret too! Hope all goes well with the move, looking forward to seeing the new house.

    San x

  • Lisa

    Shirley Ann,
    Your knitting is beautiful. I don't know how to knit, but have always admired people who do. I do alot of crocheting, and right now I am making a skirt for my 7-yr. old. I have already made one for my 4-yr. old and it turned out quite nicely. 🙂
    Thanks for sharing your handiwork. 🙂
    Blessings and a peaceful, stress-free move,