Create,  Hearts At Home

The Creative Home -Yarn Along

It seems like ages since I joined in with the Yarn Along link-up. I have had a series of Wednesdays that have kept us busy and away from home, interestingly today we are out and about again, but I just had to make some time to get some knitty news in :o)

I am still busy with the same two projects – DH’s Weekend Pullover

The front is now off the needles and the back on the needles and progressing nicely.

My Stockholm Scarf is just about finished – only inches away from binding off!

 In fact I was very tempted to have it ready for today’s post – but life seems to be keeping me busy at the moment so it was not to be. But perhaps next week? I hope so. I can’t wait to see what it is going to look and feel like.

Reading – I’m just in-between books at the moment. I finished ‘Pocketful of Pinecones’ (4th time reading) about two days ago. This reading has really impacted my thoughts about our nature study time in our homeschooling. I posted some thoughts on it here a short while ago.

I’m really not sure what to pick up next to be honest. I usually have a list of books that I want to read, but nothing is standing out for me. I am hoping that today’s link-up might bring some inspiration :o)


Joining Ginny today over at Small Things.



  • Deb Hickman

    I love both your projects, the colour of the scarf is stunning and the sweater looks so soft and warm. Happy Knitting. X

  • Anonymous

    I can't wait to see both projects. I've only made little sweaters so big ones seem so overwhelming! I plan to knit one for me this year though. Looks like a great book, we try to get into nature everyday. The kids just don't know they're studying it yet 🙂

  • Lori ann

    your knitting is so pretty, and i love the sound of the book, i hope you do find the inspiration for another read soon!

  • Lisa

    Pocket Full of Pinecones is one of my favorite reads for back-to-school — so inspiring! I just love Karen A's philosophy of nature study and Mother Culture! My current reads include a book on Christian hospitality that I'm finding rather convicting (shared about it on my YA post today…). Happy knitting! ~Lisa 🙂

  • Creative Life Studio

    The Weekend Pullover looks lovely. 🙂 Also, looking forward to seeing that scarf finished; it's a gorgeous color, especially for autumn!

  • Anonymous

    Your scraf is lovely! I often find when I'm trying to get something done the more that comes up that needs to be done first. Thanks for the book rec – I have it on my shelf but have yet to read it.

  • karen

    wow you've made a lot of progress on the sweater since the last time I saw it. Sleeves are easy peasy compared to all that body work! Love your scarf, just in time for fall!

  • imperfectly natural mama

    I have just come across your blog for the first time and I am totally overwhelmed. I love your organisation, the homeschooling, the fact that you are a Christian, I think I have a girly blog crush on you!! I am a follower!

    • Shirley-Ann

      LOL – Thanks for your kind words. Your comment was waiting for me first thing this morning so it has made my day! Lovely to know that some of what I blog might be of encouragement to others.

      Blessings in Christ,