
Wet Weather Garden…

It’s been a week for nature this week. I’ve been purposeful in noticing and savouring what goes on around me in my garden and in the countryside. I have two posts to share some of these things – two posts because I have too many pictures for just one post. So today I thought I would share what my garden looked like on Monday. We’ve had quite a bit of rain of late and it is easy to get despondent with it all. But Monday I decided to stop feeling blue and get out and see what the garden had to offer.

The first thing that jumped out at me is how many spiders we obviously have in our garden…

There were webs everywhere…

Each one delicately hang with raindrop crystals…

Even the folded washing line was netted in webs…

For me personally I find that I appreciate the beauty of spiders webs more when they are hung with dew drops or frozen by frosts.

With the rain highlighting the garden so beautifully my attention was drawn to the veggie patch. A delicate Mangetout flower…

Nasturtium leaves and flowers…

The first marrow flower…

Wild food – blackberry flowers…

and apples growing bigger each day…

Ornamental flowers are looking good too. The roses are going wild…

and the lavender is looking lovely…

Yesterday and today we have had sunnier weather (yay! Got all my washing done!) but this little walk around the garden on a soggy day was a great reminder to appreciate my surroundings no matter what the weather 🙂