

Sunday is always a lovely time to reflect on the week for me. It’s slower pace allows one to just be and ponder. I love keeping note of all the little things that happen each week in a journal {pictured above}. It’s all quite random really but makes perfect sense to me. I note things like the weather we have had, what’s happening in nature, the church year, our home and homeschooling etc… My journal helps me to remember and often features in my seasonal planning each month. I love reading old journals and seeing what what happening in my life the same time in yesteryear’s :o)

So today I spent a little time reflecting over the week past, noting some little lovelies that we have enjoyed over the weekend. I thought I would share some of those things here today…

My drive is now cheered by Daffodils in full bloom…

As is my street. I have more flowers than I need indoors – always a nice problem to have ;o)

The old rusty wheelbarrow I planted up last summer has sprung back into live and is now cascading with delicate white flowers.

Today I noticed the very first flower from the buds on my Magnolia tree opening up. This is happening a whole month earlier than last year! This time last year we were still covered in icy snow.

I managed to find my crochet bunting and hung it up in it’s usual place. I had taken in down over Christmas to hang up more seasonal decor and then could not for the life of me find it again. So I was delighted while searching for something else to come across this string of bunting safely tucked away.

Lots of gardening has happened this weekend. The lawn has had it’s first cut of the year – It is looking so good I just cannot stop staring at it LOL…

I worked hard on one of my veggie beds too – clearing it of winter weeds and even managing to plant 2 sets of onions. 


My early potatoes have been planted into their growing bags and a second lot is busy chitting on a shelf in my kitchen. I plan to get these in the ground in the next week or so.

And joy of joys – I have sown a good portion of my new veggie seeds. They are busy being nurtured on the windowsill of the conservatory.

Noted down in my journal for the coming week:

* St Patricks Day on Monday

* St Josephs Day on Wednesday

*Plant out all my little Hydrangea plans that I took from slips last autumn

*Vernal Equinox on Thursday 

:o) – Blessings in Christ…



  • karen

    boy is spring beautiful where you are! We haven't much yet, but most of the snow is melted and I did see one robin this early morning. Thanks for the photos!

  • Heather

    Wow! Spring has sure come to your home. We woke up to 6" of snow this morning. :0( I LOVE your cottage teapots!!! I have a "thing" for cottages. ;o) I hope you have a lovely week!