

A Look Through the Kitchen Window

It’s the heaviest snow we’ve had all winter! Seems crazy, although apparently here in England we are more likely to have a white Easter than a white Christmas. It looks like Holy Week is going to continue to be a bitterly cold one. We were cheerfully informed by our Met Office weather man last night that spring was nowhere in sight -LOL. 

Across the Garden

Snow ploughs have been busy clearing roads. A tractor trailing a huge trailer piled high with the snow bumbles past our house every half hour or so to dump it’s white load down in the park below our property.

We’ve been doing our own ploughing as DH has to get to work today. Eeep! I know! Who wants to get to work in these conditions? It’s still snowing heavily and as you can see from the picture above, the snow is already filling in our cleared drive. We have gritted and are hoping that the salt will do it’s work and keep our drive clear long enough to be able to get DH to the station. 

A Snap of our Bird Feeder.

The birds – poor things- are having to dig their way through the snow to get to their food. I’ve been out twice already to brush off the snow from the seed. They seem quite happy to do a bit of digging for their food, as long as the snow doesn’t gather up too much.

The trees branches are heavy with it’s white load, bending under it’s weight. This particular tree has loads of tight spring buds on it. I am eager to see it in full bloom once spring finally arrives. It  has the prettiest pink flowers, I am hoping that the weight will not snap the delicate branches. I might actually go and give a helping hand and shake some of that weight off it’s branches :o)

Have a lovely week-end everyone…


  • Ellen @ the Bluestocking Belle

    Your photos are lovely, but I am sure you are tired of snow! Our friends in Maine have had a big snow as well; in fact, they have a lot of snow this season. We haven't in the American South. My daffs have come and gone and other things re blooming. It's chilly today, but nothing like it is in your neck of the woods! A friend of mine was in England this past week (I've tagged along with her three times but not this year, alas), and she reported that it was COLD in Newcastle! Stay cozy!

    • Shirley-Ann

      We are certainly tired of this very cold weather! Apparently it isn't going away any time soon so we will just have to button down the hatches for a little longer. With all this cold weather I am hoping that it means we are in for a lovely summer? or is that wishful thinking? LOL

  • Sandra Ann

    We have escaped the snow but not the cold. Benedict and I made an easter garden today, Pip has been poorly, so hoping she'll feel well enough to do hers tomorrow.

    I think we are all in need of some spring sunshine.

    San x

    • Shirley-Ann

      Sorry to hear that Pip is poorly San! I look forward to seeing your Easter gardens. I agree – bring on the sunshine!

  • karen

    Absolutely beautiful photos, too bad it's spring on the calendar!! We are getting some snow today, but it's supposed to melt by Friday. Stay warm!