
Week in Review

We’ve had two frosty mornings this week and I have loved it! The frost arrives later in a coastal town, sometimes only once winter has arrived. Having lived in the north for most of our time in the UK I had grown accustomed to autumnal frosts and missed them like crazy when we were living in the South West.

This week was made all the better with a visit from a close friend. I really missed seeing her when we were living in Devon and it is so lovely to be able to spend more time with her. We have planned to go to the knitting and Stitching show in Harrogate towards the end of November so I’m looking forward to that. 

We’ve been exploring our surrounds which has been fun. My eldest daughter and I went to a lovely farm a few weeks back whilst DH was working and DD2 was visiting a friend for the weekend. It was lovely to enjoy some time together walking through the apple orchard which is a little past it’s prime and picking out pumpkins for our autumn porch decoration.

With the end of October on the horizon, I am trying to savour every minute of the season. November seems to tumble quite quickly into bleakness as the autumn winds and storms pick up and make short work of the autumn colour that is cloaking the trees right now.

Both my girls have got jobs already and I’m so happy for them. They love to work and earn their own money. DD1 (above) is trying to figure out what it is she wants career wise. She is a creative and yearns to forge a career as a freelance illustrator. So she is giving herself that time by taking a part-time job in hospitality. She’s loving her job and is contemplating pursuing it full-time should her freelance ambitions not work out as she hopes. As a parent, I am reminded how no matter the age of our children they will always need our encouragement and advice. I feel blessed to be able to support my children through this next stage of their lives as they figure out their way in the world.

With this frosty bout of weather, we have enjoyed our first fires of the season. We have lots of wood knocking about our property so we have spent a few hours gathering it up to one place. I’ve also managed to plant out 100 daffodil bulbs this week. I shall look forward to the display in spring! November will be tulip planting time as they can go in a bit later than most spring bulbs.

My Etsy shop re-opened this week which I’m thrilled about, two lovely skeins were shipped out this morning to their new home, I still get excited when I make a sale. I really need to have a big dye session next week and stock up the shelves, my Etsy shop is looking like it needs a bit of attention. I need to have a think on how I’m going to schedule my working week as I have quite a bit going on. DD2 is pretty independent with her studies so I try to work on my law degree while she is working on her stuff. That leaves the afternoons free to get the rest done. Problem is the ‘rest’ is never ending! There are those things that simply MUST be done and then those things that would be lovely to do like knitting, sewing and stitching…and blogging of course. So much living to get into 24 hours!

What I am going to do right after I finish this post and wish you goodbye is finished this pair of socks that have been on my needles! I just have the toe to do and then they will be given to DD1 who loves to wear hand knitted socks. I shall cast on the next pair straight afterwards because let’s be honest…one can never have enough knitted socks, especially when winter hits.

Wishing you a lovely warm weekend…until next time.


  • Sandra Ann

    Lovely photos and I am glad that you are settling in to your new home. We moved just over a week ago the house is quite lovely but seeing your photo of the open fire has me hankering after our wood burning stove! Maybe one day we will have one fitted in the new place 🙂 San x

    • Shirley-Ann

      Thanks Sandra Ann. I must say that I am loving our open fire. We had a wood burning stove in our last home and there is just something so lovely about a warm fire in winter! I hope you get around to installing yours soon.