
Updating the FCS

I cannot believe that it is August already! This year has
just rocketed by don’t you think? Here in our home my girls are enjoying their summer
break – for me… well, there is not much time to indulge in too much frivolous time
:o). I have been busy giving some attention to the somewhat neglected tools
that I use that help to keep the home running smoothly. I’m talking about my
FCS (File Crate System) and my Home Journal.

The FCS has been the most wonderful tool in helping me to
stay organised. In a nutshell it is a plastic suspension file crate from
Staples into which you place 6 suspension files. Into each suspension file you
place two months’ worth of folders. Each week has it’s own folder, on the front
I have stapled a page that is basically the week-at-a-glance. Inside each
folder anything pertaining to that week is popped inside, any seasonal
celebration or craft ideas I have printed out or clipped, any recipe, library
reminder, doctor’s appointment – anything that needs my attention or that I
might want to use is stored. What I love about this system is that because I
have a years’ worth of folders, if I come across an autumn activity or nature
craft that I want to do with the girls in June – I can print it off and pop it
into Sept/Oct or November’s folders.

When I prepare the week’s folder, I will note down on the
front any appointments, activities, celebrations, days of note, shopping lists,
as well as any ‘To Do’s’ and so on. This becomes my central command station for
the week.

Inside this week’s
folder I have

* printed directions to a friend’s house

* an Evening Sky Map for our OHC {this month we are focusing
on the night sky and moon} I’m hoping that the cloud cover will clear enough so
that we can do a bit of star gazing and learning some constellations

* I have a letter I need to respond to

*a few bills that have been paid but need filing away

*and finally a recipe for a lemon-curd cake with cream
cheese frosting that I want to try.

 Everything that needs
to be dealt with or that I might need for this week is in this folder.

This past week-end I had scheduled to update my FCS. I
sorted through all of last year’s folders {my FCS runs from August each year so
I have to update it end July}, throw away anything that I no longer need, file
anything that needs filing, transferred a few things into the new folders.
Things like Easter related crafts or baking I had printed off and might want to
look at next year etc. Then I popped all the spent folders into the recycling
and cleaned out the crate – it sure gets dusty over the year!

Next I pulled out my new {pretty green} folders – I do love
new stationary  – and set about stapling
a week-at-a-glance page onto each folder, labeling each week and of course
popping the relevant clippings and print-offs into the specific file-folders
for the future referral.

I have a few more suspension files in my FCS which holds our
A.C.E tests, Score Keys and Answer Keys, as well as reports from our LEA liaison.
Behind all my suspension files rests my Home Journal which is a great tool that
holds all the nitty-gritties of running a home.

I was going to speak about both of these tools today, but I
see that this is fast becoming a small novel-of-a-post! So I will keep the Home
Journal for another day later on this week.

If you are thinking of setting up your own FCS why not read
the FCS author’s post on setting up a FCS? She writes about it in Revamping the File Crate System.

If you would like to know more about using the File Folders
you can read how Dawn uses them in Part 1 and Part 2 of her posts ‘What’s in Yer File Folder’. In fact if you have time, you could browse through all her FCS archives here.

Have a wonderful day :o), I’ll see you back here very soon.

One Comment

  • Linda at Apron Strings & other things

    I first saw your FCS last year. Now I'm looking even closer. Hmmm, wondering if I"m ready to take the plunge and give it a try. I'll be back to re-visit this post soon. Thank you!