
The Post Office Cat and Other Things

Today’s post is a bit of a ‘mishmash’ post. There have been moments in days gone past that have captured my attention. Not really something that one can create a whole post about, just little things. I’m pretty sure we all have little snippets, little things we come across on any given day that cause us to pause and smile. So here are a few of those from my days…

How cute is that? This was a common sight at my local post office in Chesterfield. The post office cat. It had a home just down the road apparently, but this is a friendly cat and seemed to love the varied company it received at the post office.

This cute little sparrow family lives in the hedge in my garden. They flutter from hedge to tree to feeder to shed roof in a little flock. They are very sweet to watch. 

Just look at that little fluffy baby on the right – how adorable is that!! Honestly, these little things bring such joy to my heart. Here I am looking at these photographs again after 3 weeks and my heart is warmed once again. The day I spotted them was warm and sunny, I spent ages standing at my kitchen window photographing and watching them.

And speaking of kitchen windows, this is mine, and yes – it brings me joy 🙂 You see there is something quite ‘homey’ when you have a kitchen sink filled with apple scented washing up liquid, bubbles and steam rising up and gently swirling it’s way out of the open window. Outside my kitchen window I have a very pretty flowerbed. It’s filled with camellias, fuchsias and other interesting plants that I don’t know the names of 🙂. I know that it is packed with spring bulbs because I kept coming across them when I bedded down my spring bulbs earlier on this month. This bed is going to reveal lots of spring beauty, I just know it.

And finally, this pretty autumn wreath went up this week…

This is not it’s ultimate ‘resting’ place, but the florists wreath hanger I bought does not stick to my front door, so another plan needs to be made.

And my last and totally random picture…

It’s my daughter holding a Lacrosse stick and wearing a boater hat. Late August we visited the Enid Blyton exhibition at the Plymouth Museum. Enid Blyton was my favourite children’s author – I grew up on her books. I would get totally lots in her imaginary worlds and I have to say that reading her boarding school stories had me LONGING to go to one. I even filled out application forms and gave them to my mum to post off. For some strange reason I never heard back from the school, I wonder why ma??? lol

Anyhoo, those stories had me wishing that I too could play lacrosse, interestingly when we came across the lacrosse stick in the display my eldest daughter voiced the very same thing, so she was happy to pose for a photograph for me.

Okay, that about wraps up this very random post 🙂 See you back here soon…


  • sandy in spain

    Lacrosse….yeuk, I didn't enjoy that at all, and then the school changed to hockey even worse and more vicious…my poor ankles. Your Autumn wreth is lovely, hnging wreathes on doors at any other time of the year than Christmas isn't often seen in England, it's certainly something we should embrace. Here in Spain they don't do it either, apart from the ex-pats at Chritmas. Here the swallows are beginning to gather together for their flight back across to Africa. As we live in semi desert in Southern Spain, we don't really have an autumn as such, a few leaves flutter down, but they don't have the colours we used to see in England. I suppose out autumnal colours are provided by the dark purples of the grapes being harvested at the moment and the oranges hues by the oranges which will start to be picked shortly. The main sign of aurumn in our area are the huge piles of cut wood (olive, pine, orange and evergreen oak) which are ready for people to buy for the winter.

  • DeliveringGrace

    An Enid Blyton exhibition would be so popular with my younger children. Hoping that it travels to London!

  • mamasmercantile

    Lovely to know you are settled and enjoying your new home. Your Autumn wreath is beautiful. I was a fan of Enid Blyton as a child and passed that love on to my three daughters, we used to read the stories together as they were growing up. I would have loved to have seen the exhibition.