
The Last Days of January

Only a few more days of January left. It’s been a really good month for us here at Moor View Cottage. My days have indeed been savoured and slow. Of course they have been punctuated with busyness at times but nothing that has sapped my joy in any way. Busy is good sometimes, as long as it is productive.

So this last week of the month is always a time when I look back over what the month, in this case – January – held and then look forward to what special times and things are unique to the upcoming month.

So January in our home means our annual craft of window stars are made to brighten up the dark cold days…

We’ve had a fair bit of lovely snow already…

*We have celebrated Epiphany

*enjoyed daffodils from the grocer brightening up the conservatory

*loved our snowy walks

*achieved my stitching goals for the month

*spotted the first snowdrops and noticed all the spring bulbs peeking their green spikes through the frozen earth.

* celebrated Burns Night (25th)

Sunday will usher in February and with it lots more reasons to celebrate it’s seasonal goodness in our home.

February means…

* lengthening days but perhaps more chance of snowy days

* a short month bringing us ever closer to spring

* a birthday in our family (21st)

* remembering my departed father on his birthday (2nd)

* Candelmas (2nd)

* a Snow moon (3rd)

* St. Blaise (3rd) patron saint of wool-combers, I think I could think of some fun yarny thing to do don’t you?

* Valentines Day (14th) and a bit of home decorating to mark the occasion would not go amiss 🙂

* Lent begins (18th) Ash Wednesday

* Shrove Tuesday (17th) ~ aka Pancake Day

*Half term break

*Sale of our house in South Africa to go through (28th)

Lots of things to look forward to 🙂 Makes my heart happy to think of all those homey, simple things that bring joy and fullness to our lives.

Have a lovely Wednesday everyone…


  • Michelle

    What a sweet post my friend. I have been busy knitting something for you to display which I think you will adore. Perhaps you could email me your address and when we return I will pop it in the mail to you xx

  • Wanda

    Lovely shots. The contrast of sunshine and snow… wow! We are enjoying sunshine and sandals in Southern CA today. Have doctors appointments to meet our new primary doctor after our move. Hope we like him….HaHa

  • gilly

    A truly lovely post, taking the time to count your blessings is always a good thing. And lots to look forward to & celebrate in the month ahead too. Hugs xx

  • Bette

    Love your window stars. They are quite beautiful. Looks like you have a lovely February to look forward to,

  • Blue Jeans And Teacups

    I would love to know how to make the window stars. Is there a tutorial somewhere? And the very next day posted against the snow! Sooo lovely!!!