
The Homeschool Mothers Journal Weekly Wrapup

Today I am linking up with The Homeschool Mothers Journal

In My Life This Week…

Well it seems to have been a busy week for some reason. I’m not really sure how that happened as my planner for the week reflected very little in the way of busy-ness, but it seemed that the week gathered momentum as we progressed and now here we are – Friday. Whew!

I have been meaning-to, wanting-to, but have repeatedly-forgotten-to,  link up each week with The homeschool Mothers Journal. In fact I had intended linking up way back in January, bookmarked the page and then promptly forgot about it! As I was going through my rather disorganised bookmarks I decided that there would be no more procrastinating and dived right in. Oh – I have also reorganised my chaotic bookmarks :o).

In Our Homeschool This Week…

The girls have been diligently working at their lessons which is always a good thing. Tests written and passed, new PACE’s begun and a new month seen in. We also met up with our local home ed group in Sheffield. One of the amazing moms has arranged a series of walks over the next few months. ‘Walks with a Purpose’ the are called. This months walk was a historical walk around Sheffield. I was so impressed with the amount of research she put in and equally impressed with how much history is attached to this city! We learnt so much and got some great exercise while we were about it.

The Queens Head Pub – dating from Tudor times. Can you guess why it’s called the Queens Head? Clue: Henry  VIII

Places we are going and people we are seeing…

This week-end we are entertaining a whole lot of friends, we are celebrating DH 50th. Although he turned 50 last week, work commitments meant that celebrations had to be delayed slightly. 

My favourite thing this week was…

Definitely seeing the hedgehog in our garden again, and the wonderful warm sunny days we have had!

My kiddo’s favourite thing this week was…

Same thing – how could it not be? :o)

Thinks I’m working on…

I’m still working on my wreath. I have loads of little flowers and leaves already – only a few more to go before I can put it all together and reveal :o) I do have my heart set on starting the Shalom Cardigan. In fact, I know that I am going to be wanting to knit at least two as there are so many beautiful variations on this pattern. For this cardi I am going to splash out on some lovely yarn – still decided on what colourway to go with.

I’m cooking…

Ooh- sensitive subject at the moment! This week all my feelings of discontent with how my body squeezes into all my clothes of late came to a head. I have decided that enough is enough, joined up with a weight-loss program that is practical and ‘real’ and dashed out to buy a scale. It was standing on the scale that almost caused me to weep! I am 12kg over my ideal-for-me weight. I have never been 12 kg over so just as well I have finally got me A into G and started doing something about it! So – lots of careful plan following going on here. I must say that I am loving the meals that have been set out. They are easy to whip up and delicious to boot! I am hoping to see the pounds melt away…

I’m grateful for…

Where I live. Today I went on a ‘vigorous walk’ – part of my new exercise diet routine – and was just blown away but the views. And to think that I don’t even have to get into my car to reach them, I just walk a couple of yards to the end of my road and I am walking in the countryside…

And so ends my weekly wrap-up. I’ll see you back here again very soon :o)


  • Christine

    What a wonderful read. Visiting from ihomeschool and so glad I did. I agree you have a lovely view. Enjoyed your update, Shirley. Have a nice weekend!

    • EsnaL

      Such a lovely update my friend. We really enjoyed the Sheffield walk, such nice weather as well. Thanx for a lovely time spent with you the weekend. Hope to see u soon. Xxx