
The First Candle…


So have you started decorating yet? We usually put our tree up around the 15th of December, but I do like to slowly start decorating the house with little touches before then. Of course the first thing to go up is our Advent Wreath. This is central to our Christmas celebrations in our home as it helps us to keep our focus on Christ.

I have to say that by Friday I still had not sorted our Advent Wreath and candles out! In fact it was only after Church on Sunday that I dropped into ‘The Range’ and collected what I needed.

Traditionally you are supposed to have 3 purple candles, 1 rose candle and then the Christ candle which is white. This year I knew I wanted pillar candles – less likely to fall over in my wreath – so I had to compromise on colour. Still, I love the result!

I found some ‘knitted’ candles and just fell in love with them. My favourite pass-time combined with one of my favourite traditions of Advent. what could be better?

Our Advent wreath has been placed on the central coffee table in our living room. In our home we light the candles each day as part of our devotional time. This week it is the Prophecy candle, the candle of Hope. We remember the prophets and how they foretold of a Savior whose kingdom would be established forever. Praise the Lord!

As I write this post the sun has slipped away below the horizon. It’s not yet 4pm! But the candles are all lit and a warm glow is now filling our home. I do so love candlelight in the home! 

Anyhoo – I will be back tomorrow to share a few more Christmas Decor things with you. Have a peaceful and blessed evening.