
The Big Garden Birdwatch Coming Up…

This particular event is for UK residents only, but I am sure I have seen a similar event for the U.S – give it a google :o)

Big Garden Birdwatch intro from The RSPB on Vimeo.

Last year January we participated in the RSPB’s Big Garden Birdwatch. It was such a lovely activity to add to our nature studies as well as it being a huge help to the RSPB in monitoring the health of the countries bird life, that we have decided to once again join in the fun for 2013. This coming weekend is the event. It is quite simple really, all you have to do is register on the website, then download the free birdspotters sheet, decide on the day (26 or 27 January) and the hour that you will spend watching your feeder, grab a cup of tea and you are good to go!

With all the snow about I have noticed that our feeder is very busy, so I am hoping to be able to put lots of ticks on my sheet :o)