Autumn,  Hearts At Home,  Seasons

The Autumn Garden…

and a few ponderous thoughts…

 Well so far autumn has been lovely – it is getting rather cold now (I have had my central heating on a few times already!) but not much rain.

Although we have only been in Devon for a year, last autumn and winter were horribly wet. I’d far rather have freezing cold temperatures but clear sunny skies.

This past weekend we had a family gardening day. We emptied out the veggie beds, cut back the hedges and bay tree, swept up all the leaves – although you wouldn’t say so from this picture. But tis’ the season for endless falling leaves I guess.

Plants that were in pots were planted out, or popped onto the compost heap if they were spent and the empty pots packed away. 

I’ve kind of been in a reflective mood since then. I mean, the garden is lovely isn’t it? So pretty and well structured (nothing to do with me btw), but I just have not fallen in love with it. It’s been more than a year since we moved to Devon and although it is super pretty it just has not felt like home.

I have to say that for months this has bothered me. I’ve tried so hard to love it. Waited for that feeling of peace and content to invade my soul – the way I felt in Chesterfield. But…nothing. I’ve grappled with guilt because of these feelings. Tried and tried to ‘settle’, but…no.

Even our lovely home, it’s so pretty, so beautifully decorated by the owners, but it’s not my less than perfectly appointed home in Chesterfield with it’s simple conservatory and sweeping views of the Derbyshire countryside.

Isn’t it so strange that a place can so completely have your heart?

That a place can either give you a sense of peace, well-being and comfort or make you feel like an alien. I’ve never had that before.

I mean, people have composed songs and written poetry of such things. The song ‘Mull of Kintyre’ immediately springs to mind in this regard. I kind of always thought that perhaps such things were a bit naff, but I have to admit that I was wrong. I get it now.

Now although I live in England, adore the country and love my English friends very much, one thing I don’t share is the English ability to ‘Keep Calm and Carry On’ indefinitely LOL. I cannot accept that this is where I will live for the rest of my life. Retire here? Oh no! That does not sound like a great option to me at all.

I think my husband was surprised when I eventually voiced my concerns to him. Turns out that he hasn’t been exactly enthralled with our move either. Of course we have since had lots of discussions and making plans for our future. We are committed here for another two years for various reasons but the plan is to go back to our beloved Chesterfield after that and hopefully realise a long time dream of opening our very own business. The thought makes me so h-a-p-p-y 🙂

Anyhoo…I’ll stop with the ponderous thoughts.  I have to say that I am loving autumn so far! the falling leaves, the dipping temperatures and the lack of rain LOL – perfect. One of the (many) things I love about this time of year is that with the dropping temperatures my knitting mojo seems to have returned. I am busy with a pair of socks at the moment, one down another already on the go and lots more projects in the pipes. I’ll be sure to share some of those projects next week sometime. 

Do you find that you drift in and out of crafting moods? Sometimes knitting is it, then that fades and it’s cross-stitching 😉 I always admire those people who are so focused on one craft and seem to have endless patience and inspiration for it. OK – I’m going to end this post here, it feels like it’s getting a bit rambley LOL. 

Wishing you all a wonderful weekend and hope to see you back here soon…


  • Bette

    I can so appreciate your feelings about your new home. I moved to Denver from Phoenix 2 years ago and my heart is still in Phoenix. Denver is more beautiful but Phoenix awill always be home.

    • Shirley-Ann

      It can be tricky can't it Bette? With my husband being in the hotel industry we have had the opportunity to live in many different places and in different countries. There are not many places that I haven't settled to one degree or another. I think that I'm getting to a stage where I now know exactly where I want our 'forever' home to be. I hope that you settle in Denver and are able to make it home in time. Blessings to you…

  • mamasmercantile

    So sorry that you haven't felt that Devon is your home but one good thing that has been established is where your heart lies and now you can work towards where you want to be. Hope your dreams of your own business come true. Take care.

    • Shirley-Ann

      Thank you so much for your kind words. You are quite right in what you say that at least a good thing has been established and that is where my heart truly lies. Life is full of opportunity and is what we make of it 😉

    • Shirley-Ann

      They are gooseberries Helena 🙂 Don't you just love the lantern-like coverings? They are so pretty, almost too pretty to eat LOL

  • Gill

    I have always admired your commitment to your new country. It certainly isn't easy uprooting and adjusting a family to a new culture. Two years will fly by soon enough!