
Swallows, Amazons and Knitting Needles…

Today is a cool and wet day. We have had some of the most glorious weather over the past few days so this rainy day is appreciated for the sake of the garden :o)

I am still busy crocheting leaves for my wreath, nearly done. I had hoped to be finished by now but life has been busy. I am also busy finishing up another pair of socks. I have been busy with this pair for months BTW – I started them off, then lost interest and started something else… you know how it goes. But I am determined to finish them off quickly as I am itching to start new projects.

I am reading ‘Swallows and Amazons’ by British author, Arthur Ransome, to the girls as our read aloud at the moment. This is such a lovely book and the girls are loving it so far. I first heard of this book – and author – on a local program called Countryfile. The little sail boat in the book, the ‘Swallow’, was based on Arthur Ransome’s favourite sail boat, ‘Nancy Blackett‘ – which has become quite famous due to the success of Arthur’s books. I was intrigued upon watching this particular episode and decided that it would be our next read aloud in our home school. Funny where you can pick up new books for your on-going book-list isn’t it? :o)

Joining Ginny at Small Things for Yarn Along


  • arwen_tiw

    Oh oh – a local Yarn Along! I am in Derby (and we still seem to have sun here today, my garden would like some of that rain)! 🙂 🙂

    I love the grey-blue socks. I'm a terribly impatient sock-knitter and invariably leave half-finished ones at the bottom of my knitting basket…

  • DeliveringGrace

    Funny, I got a book on knitting socks out of the library, today. Whether I get round to knitting some is another matter!

  • karen

    it's been busy here too so my knitting progress is slim. But I'm glad my daughter is visiting so I'm not complaining much. It's rainy too!! Lovely projects and I love the sweet little crocheted flowers 🙂

  • Mistea

    nice socks. Love the colours of your pretty flowers.
    Reading aloud is fun. Enjoy sharing your book.

  • Heather L.

    Oh thank you for pointing me to that episode!! I will show it to my children as soon as possible! We are big Arthur Ransome fans now!!! We are on The Big Six at the moment, hoping to finish all the books before our trip to the Lake District in September where we hope to see everything we can. 🙂

    • Shirley-Ann

      Arrrg – I just checked and the episode is NOT available online – how irritating. Sorry about that Heather. Clearly they don't keep each episode available for an extended period of time!