
Sunshine Makes Me Happy :o)

Oh my goodness! It’s been far to long since I was here. I have a couple of Lenten thoughts to share and have been working on a post for you, but I have also had days of no Internet access. It seems we have had a fault on our phone line. But luckily that is all fixed up now so I hope to be back next week with a few Lenten posts.

In the mean time I wanted to share some of the lovely sunny days that we have been having this lovely March so far!

March 1st was sunny an beautiful – like it just knew it was the first day of {meteorological} spring. It behaved itself PERFECTLY! Butterflies and bees came out to play and I spotted a pair of male blackbirds challenging one another for territory – very cute to watch. They puff themselves out and seem to crouch down and hop quite determinedly towards the the other, then just as they get close it turns tail and the other one has a turn to chase the first one again. Every now and then they flutter into the air together trying to knock the other down.

Of course the Crocus just love the sunshine too and open up to it’s warmth…

The sky had great big puffs of while candyfloss clouds…

and the cats spent just about every moment outdoors trying to catch butterflies and bees …. with no luck of course :o)

My Narcissus are blooming – just excuse the weeds!

and the branches of Forsythia I brought indoors earlier on in the week have opened up and are now sharing their cheerful yellow faces with us :o)

Today is more of the same glorious weather…

The girls changed into summer attire as soon as we got back from church today and have set up camp for the day.

The Daffodil in my garden are beginning to open, I cut a small bunch to bring indoors today – the first home grown ones to come indoors, no more hothouse daffs for us.

Every door and just about every window in the house has been flung wide to get the fresh spring air circulating throughout the house and…

I have washing on the line! A small thing to get excited about but I am pretty sure that I am not the only one to revel is such small things LOL.

Now I am off to go and soak up some more of those lovely sunshiny rays. Have a lovely Sunday all…

Blessings in Christ



  • Laura Jeanne

    My goodness, how lovely. Here in Ontario, the ground is still covered with snow and ice. It will be a while yet before anyone's forsythia is blooming!

  • karen

    so beautiful! We still have snow but it's melting, there is not one sign of visible spring. however I hear the birds singing and my nose has started to run 😉