
Sunshine and Ice

Summer really does feel like it has arrived. The lanes are brimming with Hawthorn in flower, Cow Parsley and a rainbow of wild flowers at the moment. I’ve decided that I really love the month of May.

The garden, as I have mentioned, is full of butterflies, bees and new blooms seemingly every day.

And my more camera-shy kitty (pictured below) has caught THREE snakes this week. I come home from work to find bits of snake on my patio. Ewww!

While we bask in the sunshine during this beautiful month, I’m searching the web for coats and warm winter woollies. You see, this year my husband and celebrate our 21st wedding anniversary in November and we have booked a ‘bucket-list’ 4 day trip to Iceland during the first part of November!

I’m super excited about it. There are two things that we will definitely be doing whilst there. First we have a boat trip booked to venture out into the darkness and [hopefully] get to see the Northern Lights. 

Oh.My. Gosh. 

I have wanted to see this natural phenomenon for ever! I think we are going to hire a car for the duration of our visit so that we can drive out into Iceland’s countryside each evening in in case we don’t get to see it on our booked boat trip. Of course, having a car at our disposal gives us more freedom to explore Iceland by day too.

The other thing that is a ‘must’ for us is a visit to the famous Blue Lagoon. Take a look at the images in the link and tell me that doesn’t look AMAZING 🙂

Other things I really want to do:

* Explore Reykjavik

* Take a day to drive the Golden Circle tourist route

* Buy a genuine Icelandic sweater from The Hand knitting Association in Reykjavik (might need to do a bit of saving beforehand)

I’ve only just begun planning our days so that we can utilise every minute exploring this wonderful place. Can’t wait for our adventure to begin!


  • Unknown

    I do so enjoy your posts, and love the flower garden. When I was a kid we had a cat that caught a snake a time or two! And of course they bring their "kill" right to the doorstep. I read somewhere that cats do that because they're trying to teach their human "kids" how to hunt! So you can learn to go catch your own snakes and mice, etc!

  • Shirley-Ann

    Thank you Carolyn 🙂 – love that! I've always wanted to learn how to catch my own snakes and mice LOL