
Summer Knits and Reads

Isn’t it lovely to be able to take your knitting outside and work on it under the shade of the trees? I just love summer, and here in England we are having a bit of a heat-wave of sorts. Temps are soaring at 26/27 degrees C. Of course coming from South Africa we are used to much higher temperatures so these English summer hot temps are just perfect. No hotter please :o)

I am making some progress on DH’s Weekend Pullover . I am really enjoying the pattern, it is easy to memorise and the feel of the yarn is lovely. I love watching it grow and so far have not felt the need to cast on my smaller project that I have waiting in the wings to help boost my morale when the going gets tough!

Reading: I finished Armageddon during the week and have not started anything new as of yet. I am enjoying browsing through these knitting books and a few others. 60 Quick Baby Knits and Knits That Fit and Flatter. I would love to knit some of the cute projects in the baby knit book, but I don’t know anyone having a baby! I’m thinking of just knitting them up for the cute factor and storing them away for an opportune moment!

Joining Ginny at Small Things


  • Anonymous

    Lovely. It is hot and humid where I live in Summer so knitting outside is just gross!

    Nice Progress on the sweater

    • Shirley-Ann

      LOL – I can imagine. It does not seem to get ridiculously hot in England – just comfortably warm.

  • Amanda

    My mother in law has arthritis but enjoys knitting for the wee ones. We don't have kids yet but she took me to the yarn shop and we bought my favorite baby yarn. She knitted up a sweater, booties and a cap and they are tucked away for someday, when we get to bring home baby! I know your girls are young, but its a thought! Do they have hope chests?

    • Shirley-Ann

      Actually I have been considering it Amanda :o) It's a great excuse to knit some of the cute little patterns out there. Also my brother and his wife will have another baby someday I suppose. Yes – I think I will build up a little 'baby stash' LOL

  • Leslie

    I spent Monday afternoon, knitting in he shade, it warm with a breeze here in Sacramento,CA. Twas nice.

  • flyingjen

    It's funny, I was just perusing the yarn along posts debating a nap this afternoon when I read your post about knitting outside. You're right. I"m going to grab my yarn and my podcast of Jane Eyre and go sit outside in the breeze and wait for this afternoons thunderstorm! Thanks for inspiring me!

  • Emma

    Oh dear, it is 39 degrees outside in Austin, Texas most days this week… No nothing outside, except for swimming! I have been looking at that book with the baby knits too, luckily there is always someone having a baby at our church, and I can just knit them and give them away:)
    (Good to find other expats joining the yarn along!)

  • Hannah

    Unfortunately us Brits aren't accustomed to the warmer weather – I melt at anything higher than 20 degrees!
    That's a great idea for storing baby knits away for the right moment, I hadn't thought of doing that but those tiny patterns are so tempting, aren't they?!

  • DeliveringGrace

    You are doing well with your husband's sweater. I've been knitting mine one for several years!