
Some Plans For Holy Week

Do you have a system by which you run your home? I have been following Dawn’s File Crate System for almost a year now, and I have to say that it has streamlined the efficiency of running a well organised home better than I could have hoped.

A weekly File folder – not next weeks! :o)

Thursday is usually my day when I pull out next weeks file folder and begin planning for the week ahead. I write out my shopping list based on the following weeks menu and then do an online shop sometime during the day. I find that by shopping online I am able to stick within budget as I am buying exactly what is on my list. My head is not turned to all the lovely looking goodies as it would be if I was actually in store! Of course you cannot eliminate these store trips altogether, but my general weekly grocery shop is done online.

Once the list is done I fill in the front page of my folder. Any appointments, celebrations, days of note etc. This folder pictured is this current weeks folder – as you can see I have noted the spring equinox, a dentist appointment and Palm Sunday. This also becomes my running ‘to-do’ list for each day. So since taking this picture I have added such things as ‘fix DH’s tie’ and ‘phone energy supplier’. Inside my folder are print outs of any recipes I want to try, craft ideas, bills that need my attention, library notices, etc – anything that pertains to that week.

Palm Sunday ushers in Holy Week – already! – and the Easter holidays are just about upon us. We have a few fun things planned to mark the week. Tuesday we will take our PACE’s to our friends house as they also use A.C.E, the children will spend the morning doing their work and then have lots of crafting time. The girls have planned our Easter Lunch table and are wanting to work at making up all their little surprises.

Croatian Easter Bread Dolls

Throughout the week we will do the following activities from Scripture Adventures, ‘An Easter Adventure‘.

* Read the Easter Story from the Scriptures

*Make ‘pax‘ or peace cakes (British tradition. You can read about it by clicking the link)

*Make some easy homemade Easter pretzels

*Make an Easter Garden

*Have Hot Cross bun with elevenses

*Make a Good Friday Spice Cake (reminds us of the spices Jesus’ friends put on His body when they laid Him in the tomb. The white topping represents the linen that He was wrapped in)

*Make some Easter Bread Dolls on Saturday.

I am hoping to get to all of these activities {in an ideal world} but might only get to a few, and that’s okay. It is always best to have something planned rather than nothing at all :o)

Any plans for Holy Week? I would love to hear.