
Snow and Stitching

Hello everyone! Did you have a lovely weekend? We did. Very restful and slow yet we got allot done. We had a few chores to do around the house – or should I say Trevor (DH) had a few chores to do around the house that have been on the ‘To Do’ list for just ages. The girls went ice-skating with a friend so while they were off Trevor got those pesky chores done and I busied myself with getting laundry and a few other house cleaning chores under control.

Sunday we woke to a white landscape, we took the long way round to church which is on slightly higher ground to what our home is and the difference in snowfall was quite remarkable. Dusting in the garden and about 5 cm in the fields that we can see from our home!

We had some lovely friends over after church for lunch, good company and good food followed by a walk around a nearby lake to work off some of the rich desserts I made 🙂

Monday dawned bright and bitterly cold. -2 when we woke and our warmest temperature today has been 2 degrees – brrrrrr. I am so thankful for a warm home with central heating!  We have had a few snow flurries today but nothing prolonged and nothing that has settled. I had a lovely hour-long chat with a dear friend in South Africa, it was so lovely to catch up with each other. I feel blessed that distance has not been a problem for our friendship 🙂

This afternoon was spent soaking up the sunlight in the conservatory and finishing off my valentines cross stitch card for DH. 

I am now ready to move onto the next February stitching project – my daughters birthday card. Once that is done I can spend a few weeks stitching some Easter decorations and spring charts I have my eye on before moving onto the April birthday cards.

Keep warm friends, until next time ….


  • Wanda

    What a productive weekend. I have a chore list for today. Crossed off a couple items already. Love your Valentine. Hope you have a lovely day.

  • mamasmercantile

    We had a dusting of snow that disappeared almost as soon as it fell on Saturday and nothing since. Its so nice to keep in touch with friends despite distances, what a marvel todays technology. Wonderful Valentines card.