
Small Springtime Joys

Right now, I am sitting in front of the large picture window that fronts our house. The sun is streaming through, a feeling of well-being is enfolding me, and I am just loving the Forsythia that I brought indoors. With all this unseasonably warm weather, the streets are absolutely lined with blooming daffodils, forsythia and the soft pinks of blooming trees. I thought that I would make a little meme on some of the small joys of this beautiful new season.

With clear skies and the balmy weather, it is wonderful to be able to put washing out to dry. There is something about sun dried laundry…

Sunshine streaming through my kitchen window as I prepare the evening’s meal…

Bread on the rise and the anticipation of smelling it baking in the morning…

Forsythia adorning the window-sill, bringing a bit of the springtime joy indoors…

Milk left outside my kitchen door. I just love – love – LOVE this! As a child I remember the milk float driving around the neighbourhood delivering milk and orange juice. This practise died out as a more modern age was ushered in and the milk float was no more. But here in England, traditions are made to last! The milk float is still alive and well. There is just no way that I can buy milk from the large supermarkets in those awful plastic bottles. For me – this is a part of enjoying a simpler life!

And last but not least, some springtime/Easter cross-stitch inspiration…

I just love all the pastel colours used and the cute spring motives. My fingers are just itching to get stitching! So, there we go, a few of my favourite springtime joys. What brings your heart to life after a long cold winter? If you are keen to share your list of springtime joys, please leave a comment and your link for all to visit ;o)


  • Bevy @ Treasured Up and Pondered

    Oh Shirley… Can I come live in the UK with ya'll? I would LOVE it if a milk truck-delivery would (still) happen here in the US. I "dream" about that. However, me too. I will only buy milk in glass and at least I can still do that. More expensive but that's a-okay by me.

    I'm intrigued by the method of how you have your bread rise. Tell me more… special recipe or is that your normal method?

    And I too have been loving all the flowering trees and bushes.

    I guess you could say "my list" is similiar to yours today.


    • Shirley-Ann

      Hi Bevy

      I'm afraid there's no new method LOL – I popped over the bowl to see if I could generate a bit more warmth for the rising process – it didn't really work. In future I'll use my tea towel over the top method ;o)

  • Unknown

    Love your forsythias! They are out here too and the daffodils. I just love all the new pretty flowers. Thanks for sharing.

    • Shirley-Ann

      Helloooo Cheryl, so nice to 'see' you round here! Spring is just wonderful isn't it? I love all the yellow's – really lifts one's spirits!