
Simply Spring

It’s a simply marvellous day here today! 20 degrees C and just beautiful. It’s a struggle to keep our minds on our lessons today. I think I’m going to take a picnic blanket out into the garden and have our read aloud time out there.

We’ve had such pleasant weather of late that it has dried out the soggy garden and we were able to give the lawn it’s first cut of the season. I LOVE the smell of freshly cut grass don’t you?

Last week I spotted the seasons first dandelions (love them) and sweet little white daisy-like flowers that always make an appearance in our lawn. Last weeks cut zipped them all away but they are back strong as ever today I see.

Most of my tulips are out and blooming! They are just so pretty, I’m loving seeing them along the front of the house.

As I look to being inspired with our nature study lessons, I have once again pulled out one of my all time favourite books for inspiration.

Honestly, I never tire of reading this book and ‘Lessons From Blackberry Inn’. I find them inspiring and soothing to my homeschooling heart 🙂

And so ends today’s post! Now I’m off to grab a small bowl of ice-cream, a picnic blanket, my children and our read aloud book.

Happy sunny Tuesday to you all…


  • Denise

    Such a pretty post, Shirley. Yes, I do love the smell of newly cut grass. It conjures up memories of spring's arrival and long summer days out of doors. Your tulips are just lovely; these images of England make me want to go back right now. I really hope I will get a chance to visit again someday. Your book looks like the kind of thing I would have enjoyed reading to our son when he was young.

    Enjoy your afternoon outside and have a good week!


    Denise at Forest Manor

  • Bridget

    Enjoy your picnic.I remember going to a local park on sunny days, it use to be empty as the local children were at school and we would sit and read aloud or knit and crochet in the sunshine. Happy days x

  • Bevy @ Treasured Up and Pondered

    Your tulips are so pretty!! Wow. so vibrant.

    your end-of-day adventure sounds so pleasant… so refreshing. It's a rainy and grey one today – here in PA.

  • Penny

    Pocketful and BI are two of my favorite books of all time. They are my "homeschool oasis".

    Your photos are lovely – thank you for sharing your Spring joy 🙂

  • Catherine

    I was not home-schooled but one of my abiding memories is of our reception (kindergarden?) class being taken into the school field in the summer and sitting under the huge oak trees while our teacher read a story to us. I must have been 4 years old so 56 years ago.

  • karen

    love that spring has blossomed for you! We are finally having a stretch of nice weather and so far we are loving it.