
‘Season of Mists…

… and mellow fruitfulness.’ John Keats’ words describe the season so well. This whole week we have woken to a misty landscape. It’s all quite lovely I have to say.

The evenings and early mornings have had a chill in the air, but our days have been wonderfully warm.

Yesterday morning I woke early and thought I would go and capture the seasons loveliness one shot at a time…

Morning Mists

I filled the bird feeders on my snappy rounds – there are a few faithful birds that visit daily. The robin is back and I am really looking forward to the colder weather which will see my bird feeders a busy place once more with lots of feathered friends flying in to fill their bellies.

The Virginia Creeper that drapes itself over the back wooden fence is just beginning to turn…

And all my rose bushes have the most lovely spray of scarlet rosehips.

The trees that line our street continue to drop leaves daily and are beginning to form the most beautiful carpet of leaves. Early yesterday morning for the first time I heard the crunch of leaves underfoot of a passing walker.

Autumn berries are beginning to come into their own – only a week ago these berries were green, now they are a joyful, jolly shade of red 🙂

We had a very interesting visitor this week. Pigeons of course are not a rare visitor to our feeders, but a racing pigeon sure is! This young lady was ravenous and did not mind us approaching her and capturing her in the slightest. 

We called the owner on the contact numbers stamped on her flight feathers and he drove over to pick her up. He lives over an hour away so this pigeon was well and truly lost. Apparently she had been released to race on Sunday and not returned. He said that she clearly had done lots of flying because she had lost half her body weight – no wonder she was scoffing down bird seed like there was no tomorrow!

I’m glad that she had a happy ending and returned home after her adventures.

Afternoon Autumn Haze

Our days are ending as they begin, shrouded in haziness. This photo was taken the same day as the morning mists but at around 3pm. I love the autumn haze that just seems to stick around. There was nothing chilly about this afternoon, in fact I think the temperatures must have been in the early 20’s!

And lastly for today, a quick show and tell…

My Kitten in a teacup Cross-stitch has been framed and has been hung up in our living room. I love how it turned out. I had been a bit cross with myself for leaving it in the embroidery hoop for so long as it stained the fabric. But some clever mounting by my framer means you would never know 🙂

Enjoy Thursday everyone, wishing you all a wonderful early autumn day 🙂


  • gilly

    What lovely pics, and a happy ending for Mrs Pigeon too! Your little kitty is just adorable, and yay for a clever framer 🙂

  • Ellen, the Bluestocking Belle

    I'm longing to mistiness and cooler temperatures here! We are still in summertime mode, and I look forward to crispness in the air. Perhaps in October… What a fun adventure with the racing pigeon!