
Rainy Days…

After a month a lovely sunny weather, we seem to have been plunged back into a mini winter. Temperatures are much cooler than the above average temperatures we have been blessed with this past month. We have had hail and even a few snowflakes coming down today. I have to say that all of us here at Under An English Sky really enjoy a good rainy day or two. We love how the rain smells as it hits the tarmac, how the clouds rush in over the fields, how atmospheric it is, and how green it makes everything look. Yes – a good rainy day every so often is wonderful. 

So with this cosy weather we have decided to have an afternoon of popcorn and watching our favourite murder mystery programs – Miss Marple, Poirot, Midsommer Murders – that sort of thing. Nothing to gruesome for us girls, we like our ‘chocolate box’ mystery’s. We get to ‘visit’ lovely English villages, meet eccentric people and gaze on the beautiful English countryside while some very clever detective figures out the murder-most-foul. 🙂

After a few months of no knitting mojo, it seems to have found it’s way back into my life. My hands are itching to get those needles clicking again so I bought some Cascade sock yarn. The rust coloured skein is going to be knit up into a pair of Hermione’s Everyday Socks and the Cascade Heritage Prints yarn will be knit up using a simple plain sock pattern (have not decided on that one yet) as the beauty is in the yarn – not so much the pattern. I plan on casting on today so hopefully I will have something to show at tomorrows Yarn Along link up.

Looking forward into the week – it’s the last week of April, and we are into May on Friday already! With it being the last week of the month it means a bit of planning needs to happen. A new menu for May, a shopping list drawn up, a new budget set – so lots of admin jobs to do over the next day or two.

That’s about it from me today. Hope you all have a super day and I hope to see you back here very soon.


  • Talie

    It's a bit of a shock to the system after gardening in a t-shirt a couple of weeks ago! Rain I don't mind so much because as you say it makes everything green up but I'm not liking this hail that's bouncing off the window sills right now. I need to learn to take the rough with the smooth a bit more when it comes to the weather I think. xx

  • mamasmercantile

    The temperatures have dropped here too, but fortunately no rain, not yet anyway. Strangely enough I have just started to crochet again after a short break and lots of sewing.

  • Penny

    I love rainy days 🙂

    We just finished a round of Miss Marple and Poirot, and we are hooked on Foyle's War at the moment. Nothing like British mysteries!

    Good luck with your project 🙂

  • Down by the sea

    It was so good to have some rain again, our garden was so dry despite all the extra watering we have been giving it! It does feel so cold again this week , at least we haven't had any snow like in Scotland! Sarah x

  • Helena

    We've been watching Poirot here as well. I grew up watching him and love the series. My husband tolerates it, always saying "sure, put one on, don't mind me if I go to sleep"–then ends up watching to the end, absolutely riveted. 🙂