
Out & About In Devon – Babbacombe Funicular

Sunday promised clouds and scattered showers – perfect beach weather right? Perhaps not – but we know that when scattered showers are forecast it shouldn’t put us off getting out and exploring Devon. It can be hit and miss so you might not see any showers or you might get the odd torrential downpour. 

I have a habit of collecting stacks of touristy pamphlets where ever we go, it gives me a great idea of some really interesting places to visit in our area. At the moment these pamphlets are in a drawer in my dining room dresser, so when I came across them while doing a bit of a clean out I determined then and there that we would pick one of them and set Sunday afternoon aside for some fun family time.

Photo found on tumblr. Taken at a charity event, this is the only recorded occasion where Miss Marple and Hercule Poirot meet 😉

The Babbacombe Funicular down to Oddicombe beach sounded like fun – plus it is something straight out of my favourite Christie characters Marple/Poirot’s time. I was sold. Only thing was those ‘showers’. 

Sunday dawned and I have to say it was a very gray looking day to begin with, but by 12H00 it was looking somewhat better. So jumped into the car set off through the winding country Devonshire lanes. Just outside Torquay we hit a torrential downpour – seriously, the streets were running with water. We pressed on in true British style because after all – if we have to wait for ‘perfect’ weather we’d never get anything done.

By the time we got to our destination the rain had stopped and the sky’s had cleared somewhat. The great thing was that because of the weather we managed to get parking right out side the Funiculars entrance – Yay!

Isn’t it just gorgeous? This funicular has been in operation since 1926, taking people up and down the cliff to the pebbled beach below. 

It was definitely like stepping back in time – wish that Miss Marple or Monsieur Poirot had boarded with us ðŸ˜‰

It looks a bit wet down there doesn’t it, but by the time we were out (which is within minutes) and walking down towards the beach things were already drying out. It was warm and humid. 

Apparently in times gone by, the men would bathe at the far end of the beach and the ladies on the other side – all very proper! Sadly we couldn’t get to the ‘men’s’ bathing beach as it has been cut off due to landslides. On the hill above the landslide are two houses – now vacant as they are expected to slide down into the ocean in future years.

I just love these beach huts. What a great thing to have if you spend lots of time here over the summer. You can store your wet-suites, boards and all your beach paraphernalia. No need to cart it up and down the cliff or traipse sand into your home. Perfect!

Looking out to the right the cove hides some private homes and a small hotel. We decided to walk along the coastal path to have a peek.

Ahhh yes! I could certainly run that little hotel. DH and I agree that for a property like that we would definitely consider running our own hotel – before now it’s been a ‘no way’ option for us. DH runs hotels and it’s not as glam as it sounds. Mostly lovely guests but oh-my-goodness! You get to see some nasty human beings in this industry.

We walk back to Oddicombe Beach and have some lunch at the most delightful restaurant. This place must ‘heave’ in summer! Glad we came on a less than ideal day. I think we will certainly come back to the beach during the week though – the girls were quite keen on having a swim in the calm still waters.

As we enjoying the food, the views and by this time the warm sunshine, we were treated to a few peeks of the Red Arrows who were part of the  Torbay Air Show display. Why only the day before they had flown over Buckingham Palace to salute the Queen in her 90th Birthday celebrations at Trooping The Colour. Fabulous!

Just as we were leaving we spotted these two planes (I have NO idea what they are except they are old and that I like them lol), I zoomed in with my camera to snap a few pictures and then noticed afterwards that their were wing walkers on them!!! Wow!

What a marvellous afternoon out. The great thing is that my stack of pamphlets is growing which means lots of fun places to explore over the summer months. 

I hope you have enjoyed getting out and about in Devon with me today 🙂

Blessings to you all…


  • mamasmercantile

    You certainly took us on a most interesting tour, you certainly got lucky with the weather. It seems rain is going to be a big part of this Summer.

  • Amy at love made my home

    A beautiful part of Devon that I have never been to, it looks as though it is well worth a visit though! I have that leaflet collecting habit too. If I stay in or visit a hotel, tourist attraction, supermarket, anything, I always leave with a handful!!

  • Helena

    You're a fellow Poirot fan? I knew I liked you! 🙂 This was so neat to see–English beaches are very different from what I'm used to here in Florida (US).

    • Shirley-Ann

      Oh yes Helena – Poirot and Miss Marple are wonderful! 😉 English beaches can vary from place to place. We have pebble beaches, large expansive sandy beaches and even white sandy beaches I believe – although I haven't been to any of those yet.