Create,  Hearts At Home,  Homeschooling,  Nourish

A Lovely Autumn Day

Oh my goodness we have had some glorious sunshine for the last little while!

For almost a week now we have had clear sunny skies, cool but comfortable temperatures and a brisk breeze which coaxes the autumn leaves from their branches.

Yesterday we took a short walk from our home, across the train track, and up onto Dartmoor. It was just heavenly.

Did you catch the super-moon this month? Unfortunately I missed the eclipse but I got a few great shots of this months full moon by night and day.

Today has been wonderfully productive in my home. I’m completely up to date with all my laundry and linen {yay}, I tidied up and re-organised the school room as well as unpacked all my yarn onto a shelf. I can now see what I’ve got and have lots of space on the shelves to fill up {like I need an excuse to buy more yarn lol}

I baked a dozen banana muffins, six have been kept out and six have been popped into the freezer. I always find that my baking goes a bit stale after a day or two and really we are not going to be eating a dozen muffins in a day. By freezing them I can take them out when we are ready for something sweet.

And I already have tonight’s supper on the go – I do love my Crockpot! Tonight it is spinach and feta lasagna.

Just to top off this beautiful autumn day I had a yarn delivery this morning. I’m joining in the Shetland Wool Weeks Ravelry groups KAL (knit along) this month. The pattern they have chosen is just gorgeous! The instant I saw it I just knew I had to cast on for it.

I’m so loving this mild autumn days – life is good and beautiful!

Happy Thursday to you all…


  • DeliveringGrace

    It has been a lovely walking day. Enjoy Dartmoor! I have some lovely memories of how clear the stars were when we visited one February.

    Hmm, that Shetland hat looks good. A reminder that I need to finish the simple hat that I am making, slowly.

  • Tessa~ Here there be musing

    Beeeeeutiful moon shots!!!

    Hooray for getting laundry caught up. I never seem to, and there are only two of us here. We always wonder at this. 🙂

    And for getting many things caught up.

    Yummm to the muffins. Good idea to freeze some. Makes much more sense.

    Crock Pots rock!!!!!!!! They should be used 365 days a year. :-)))

    Happy October to you!

  • Denise

    It looks like your settling into your new home, Shirley. I'm sure this must be a lovely area. You captured some great shots of the moon; we didn't get to see it because it was raining here. 🙁 It's rained for almost a solid week here. Your new yarns are just lovely — can't wait to see what you make!

    Have a great weekend!


    Denise at Forest Manor

  • Amy at love made my home

    It really has been a wonderful week weather wise hasn't it, and looks to be another glorious day today. Hope that you have a great weekend too! xx

  • mamasmercantile

    The weather has indeed been wonderful. You have certainly settled into your new home with everything unpacked and organized. Love the yarn, such stunning colours.

  • karen

    I love those kind of days where we are super productive and the house is all put together. Right now I'm doing that but taking an internet break 🙂