
On the Needles

Well it’s been an age since I joined up with Ginny for her weekly Yarn Along posts and since my knitting mojo has returned I thought that it would be fun to jump in again.

I am making progress on my Russian Winter sweater…

This sweater is just lovely, I can’t wait to wear it this winter. Using the thick chunky yarn however, I am slightly worried that it might be a little too warm. Well, that’s if this winter follows last winters example of pretending to be winter.

I’m enjoying the Fair Isle pattern – it’s easy which means it’s affording me some practice for some of the more complex Fair Isle patterns waiting on my Ravelry wish list.

Yes, I am STILL working on those Christmas socks! Unbelievable but true 😉

I’m just about to turn the heel then I’m on the home stretch with them. This is what happens when you have more than one project on the go, I tend to favour one more than the other.

Reading: Jenny from Elefantz shared two books that she is reading at the moment on her blog. I really liked the look of Amish Peace by Suzanne Woods Fisher. I have only just started it but know that this type of book is just up my street. I am reading a little each night and then pondering/journaling on the prompt questions. This is a Christian book – a little devotional. I opted for the Kindle version of the book mainly because I have well and truly run out of book shelf space. I always prefer ‘real’ books but I need to balance it with the practicalities of storage at the moment. So Kindle version it is 🙂

A great quote which stood out for me in my first evening of reading, and I’ll leave it with you today was:

“Become Amish? If you admire our faith, strengthen yours. If you admire our sense of commitment, deepen yours. If you admire our community spirit, build your own. If you admire the simple life, cut back. If you admire deep character and enduring values, live them yourself”

Isn’t that just the truth? certainly something to think on. 


  • Donna

    I like those Christmas socks! I think it's a great time of year to work on Christmas projects – avoids the December rush!

  • Jo

    My knitting mojo has just returned too, it's great to get the needles out again. I love those Christmas socks, they look so festive and they'll be great to wear over the holiday period. I enjoyed watching your podcast and I'm looking forward to the next one, the sheep hat you showed is so cute.

  • Amy at love made my home

    Your jumper is knitting up beautifully and the socks are great too, nearly there!

  • mamasmercantile

    I love those Christmas socks, I have been working on some Christmas projects too, I don't like to be pressured nearer the time so work throughout the year on little projects.

  • karen

    I made three socks for christmas last year for the newlyweds and enjoyed making them, but not the duplicate stitching… love your sweater, it's squishy and beautiful!!