
Notes From Moor View Cottage

A few ordinary things that are happening around Moor View Cottage…  The foxgloves in my garden only have another week or two of flower power 😉

I have so enjoyed these flowers in my garden this year as have the bees! They love love LOVE foxgloves and can still be seen and heard collecting the pollen late at night.

Three times a week I get to open my front door and bring in my milk dropped off by my milkman :o) I love that in this country you can still have your milk, cream, orange juice {and a few other things} delivered to your front door. 

I LOVE England, love living here, love so much about it – did you watch The Trooping Of The Colour over the weekend? Didn’t the Queen look just so lovely? :o) Click on the link if you want to have a look at some splendid British-ness!

Homespun gifts are the best don’t you think? I recently put together this little gift pack for a friend of mine – a welcome to England gift :o)

I loved spending time sewing, prettying and just putting something together with her in mind. It has set me to start preparing my Christmas gifts {already!}

For me this process cannot start too early! Honestly, I always think I have oodles of time and then always run out of said oodles of time! This week we have family out from Canada visiting us and I am hoping to send them back with all their birthday and Christmas gifts, so my Christmas mindset is well and truly set!

That about wraps up today’s meandering notes ;o) See you back here soon…


  • karen

    I cannot imagine having milk delivered. I have to drive about 10-15 minutes to a grocery store. Love the foxgloves, so tall!!

  • Sue

    Oh, you are so lucky to have your milk delivered right to your door. When I was a very little girl, we had a milkman. Now, we must get our milk at the supermarket in ugly plastic jugs.
    Your foxgloves are really beautiful. I've been thinking of planting them in my flower garden…if I can find the room! I'm beginning to run out of space in it; I may have to start a new bed. The gift pack you put together for your friends is lovely. I love giving gifts, too. And, I never think it's too early to start thinking about Christmas. : )