
New Freebies Page

I thought I would quickly let you know that I have added a Freebies page onto this blog. I love organising and creating my own planners – homeschooling and home-keeping. My pages must be practical as well as pretty and often I can’t find exactly what I am looking for. So I usually resort to designing my own pages as I need them or re-designed old creations to suite my ever-changing needs ;o)

I have wanted to share these pages for some time, but lacked the ‘know how’ and the time to find out the ‘know how’! But today I was ‘mama down’ with a nasty flu bug that’s been doing its rounds in my family. So I spent the morning going over the girls book work with them from bed and the afternoon was spent fiddling about with these documents ;o)

So if you would like to pop over to my ‘Freebies’ page, you will find the links to some seasonal journal pages. I still have quite a few to upload, but as the saying goes – ‘Rome was not built in a day’ ;o)