
Nature Journal Pages

I am very pleased to report that I am doing SIGNIFICANTLY better at making journal entries in my nature journal this year. Last year I think I told you I made exactly one entry.

I’m loving the walks outdoors to spot new developments.

And I’m loving sitting quietly afterwards sketching and painting something that struck me.

I spotted the first swallow on the 10th (April) I was so excited! There’s a little English folk saying that goes something like this:

“If swallows are already building on St. Marks Day (4/25) there will be plenty of fodder, grain and calves”

Isn’t that lovely 🙂 ?


  • Penny

    Your drawings are amazing! I have been trying to jumpstart my own journal for a long time now – you've inspired me!

    Our daffodils are *just* poking through – perhaps today would be a good day to make a Spring entry…

    Thanks for the nudge to move forward with a project that has been on my back burner for FAR too long! 🙂

    • Shirley-Ann

      Go for it Penny! It provides such joy. I know that the first entry into a new journal is a daunting one, but as I look back over the past few years of journal entries I can see that my drawing and observations have improved – and that is a nice feeling. So I encourage you to just open up the first page – no rules that you have to abide to – and find something that you observed out in nature today and draw it 🙂

  • Bevy @ Treasured Up and Pondered

    Whoa!! You're sketching is simply amazing!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! LOVE IT!!!!!!!!!

    Can I give you an idea?? For me? I would love to have a blank journal (for me to fill) – with your sketch work in it… (along and around the edges, etc.) and I'll pay you for it. I am so serious.

    • Shirley-Ann

      Oh Bevy You are too kind 🙂 I wish I had the time to put something together like that, however in the midst of homeschooling, trying to develop my writing career and a house move in the near future, I don't think I will have the time. But I will bear it in mind for the future – promise 😉

  • Celeste

    Shirley, your work is just lovely! My pages tend to be a mish-mash of sketches, little watercolors, notes and lists too. Beautiful work–thank you so much for sharing. 🙂

  • Unknown

    Your journal is beautiful. I am not very consistent with a nature journal, but hope to jump in there soon too. I like the style of journal you use, and your drawings are so nice 🙂

  • Heather

    Beautiful drawings, your swallow looks like it could fly right off the page! Looking forward to seeing more of your work as the seasons move on.