
Monday Musings…

Dinner is busy cooking at the moment, the aroma of a pork roasting is just heavenly! The roast veg and apples are all prepped and ready to go into the oven at the right time. I am basking in the warmth that is home ;o) and musing over the events of the weekend.

Remember remember the 5th of November

Saturday was Guy Fawkes, our first one celebrated right in the country of origin. We have always shared in the fun of the 5th of November in South Africa, as there is a strong British link – but let me tell you – it is nothing compared to this! What festivities! Bonfires were going and fireworks lighting up the sky – it was just beautiful. Sunday morning saw the city covered with a haze – the aftermath of bonfires and fireworks, not so nice).

Picture by Jenny Goodall

We decided to leave the city behind us on Sunday, as we often do, and head out for the therapeutic countryside. We decided to visit Cotebrook Shire Horse Centre in Cheshire. What an amazing day we had! For a start our girls are horse mad so the visit was bound to be a hit. Secondly, these animals are just beautiful! There was a little farmyard with the cutest little piglets and a couple of really sweet Shetland ponies. If you live in Cheshire/Staffordshire, I would highly recommend a visit.

This morning we experienced our first frost. DH said the fields he passes on the way to work were white. I have to say that there has been a distinct change in the temperature from last night. Yes it has been cooling down, but last night I just could not get my feet warm, even when wrapped up in our goose down duvet. DH was the only solution ;o) I am reminded to get the bird-feeders cleaned and stocked for the birds. This evening I say a little robin hopping about looking for something to nibble on. That’s tomorrows task!

Our week has started off well with a rather successful schooling day. We started a new character trait today – honesty- with lots of lovely activities. Once we ‘knocked off school’, I got a , ‘thanks for today’s lessons mum, they were cool’. It does not happen often that one gets thanked for teaching – so I am enjoying the afterglow for the moment ;o)

That’s about it for today. I have some knitty projects to share with you – but that can wait for Wednesday when I join Ginny for her yarn along. I must say that it certainly is brilliant knitting weather. Today I spend an hour working on a new project while catching up with my Downton Abby viewing ;o)

Until next time…


  • karen

    Glad you had fun on Guy Fawkes day. It sounds like lots of fun 🙂 We have had some nice knitting weather here too. Heavenly!

  • Hoeks-in-UK

    Yes, isn't Guy Fawkes amazing here. This year we just went up to the main road but had views of three different display. Didn't stay out long, though, cause Alexandra is not well. Have been enjoying my knitting – not doing anything at the moment though – need to find a "cheap" yarn seller – lol