
Menu Monday

Good Morning everyone. I am happy to be joining Dawn from By Sun and Candlelight again for her Menu Monday series.

This is my favourite and most used recipe book. This little book was put together by the members of our church back in South Africa. It is a collection of time-tested family favourites so you know that all the recipes are more than likely to turn out just as they should :o). As you can see it is falling apart and thus lives in a ziploc bag. I keep meaning to do something with it – but I’m really at a loss at where to start. A good portion of the pages are loose and to copy the recipes out would take forever!

This weeks menu lineup has one of our families favourite meals from this *recipe book. {I have added the recipe to my new recipe page for you} It probably is not the healthiest of meals, but it certainly is the tastiest, and….. it is sooooo quick and easy to throw together, perfect for those busy days.

Monday, March 18th

*Chicken De Luxe, Served with Rice and Veg

Tuesday, March 19th

Baked Jacket Potatoes with various filling options & Salad

Wednesday, March 20th (Vernal Equinox – Spring Begins!)

 Jamie Oliver’s Slow Cooked Beef and Red Wine Stew, Couscous and Veg

Thursday, March 21st

Breaded Chicken, Oven Chips and a Garden Salad

Friday, March 22nd

Homemade Burger Night

Saturday, March 23rd

Mac & Cheese with Steamed Veg

Sunday, March 24th (Palm Sunday aka ** Fig Sunday in the UK)

Our Traditional Sunday Dinner with all the Trimmings

Fig Pudding (We haven’t tried this before so I plan to have ice-cream on hand as an alternate choice)

** Fig Sunday – In various parts of England, ‘Palm Sunday’ is also known as ‘Fig Sunday’ as traditionally figs were eaten to mark this Holy observance. Why? Well some suggest it may be from the tradition that Christ ate figs after His entry into Jerusalem. This is connected with the withering of the barren fig tree, related shortly after the account of the triumphant entry into Jerusalem in Saint Matthew’s Gospel. 

Hope your week is off to a good start. We have a quiet week ahead of us but lots of planning to be done for Holy Week celebrations :o) 

Have a beautiful day everyone…


  • DeliveringGrace

    The best recipe books are falling to pieces!

    We often have what we call "jacket potatoes and bits" which you have described rather more elegantly!

  • Shirley-Ann

    LOL – had to giggle at your last bit of the comment. I was wondering how you make plain old baked potatoes sound interesting when writing this post. Especially when 'topping of choice' is simple baked beans and cheese for one of my daughters :o)