
Looking Back at the Week…

Today I am linking up with The Homeschool Mother’s Journal

In My Life This Week…

I turned 39 this week! I really don’t feel like am am on the cusp of 40. It was wonderful to celebrate with friends and family. I have also been ‘grounded’ as of yesterday as my little car is very sick! It was making the most awful noise all the way to Sheffield and back (about a 40 minute drive each way). I have to admit to being very nervous at the time. Our mechanic came over to have a look and declared that both wheel bearings had gone and recommended against driving it at all until he fixed it! Eeeeep – the good Lord was certainly watching over us!

In Our Homeschool This Week…

DH did some science experiments with Miss J-L for which I am very grateful. I really do not feel confident in this area and have often had my experiments flop with the children – which does not exactly inspire confidence or prove any points that I try to make! We also managed to get out and do our nature study today which was lovely – more on that in an OHC post. 

Helpful Homeschooling Tips Or Advice To Share:

When you have reached the end of the week and the children are irritable with one another and you with all the bickering; getting out in nature for a change of pace and scenery is the best medicine – rain or shine!

My Favourite Thing This Week was…

My birthday gift for sure! DH spoilt me with a new sewing machine. When we left South Africa for our new life here in England I sold everything as we were limited on what we could afford to bring over. My sewing machine was amongst those things. We casually said, ‘oh well, we’ll replace that when we get there’ – it’s taken two and a half years! 

My Children’s Favourite Thing This Week was…

Our nature hour yesterday. It was so lovely to be walking in the sunshine and sitting sketching in the fields

Things I’m Working On…

WIP – I’m working on my Shalom Cardigan and just loving the feeling of the yarn and loving the result so far! I tend to stay away from knitting for myself as it never seems to fit properly, but I have a good feeling about this one :o)

I’m Cooking…

Lots of lovely new recipes! My healthy diet eating plan is working and I have lost 1.4kg so far and I am loving the tasty, healthy meals – and so is my family :o)

I’m Grateful For…

My husband who works so hard so that we can stay at home and live this lovely learning lifestyle.

Something I’m Ogling or Have My Eye On…

Fabric of course :o) Now that I have my new machine I am eagerly looking at stocking up on my fabric stash. I have a million ideas buzzing about in my head and am desperate to get sewing. I’m hoping to be able to get out to our local fabric outlet over the weekend. 

A Photo, Video, Link, or Quote To Share…

My eldest daughter upon seeing all the bright yellow rapeseed fields as we drove to Sheffield this week said, ‘Oh wow! It looks like God has just spread butter over his toast’. *smile*


    • Shirley-Ann

      And you are so nice Sarah! *smile* what a lovely kind thing to say – thank you :o)

  • Tricia

    Oh happy birthday Shirley!! And I am so with you on this: "When you have reached the end of the week and the children are irritable with one another and you with all the bickering; getting out in nature for a change of pace and scenery is the best medicine – rain or shine!" Wonderful week!